confession 4

180 12 2

Wooseok: dont struggle.

Wooseok: dont resist me.

Wooseok: i'll be merciful if u just let it happen. *ivory fangs flash in the half-light*

Yan An: *shuts his eyes tight and instinctively curls up against the wall, in an attempt to distance himself from the blood-thirsty beast his friend has become*

Wooseok: *grabs Yan An's wrists so hard, they bleed*

Yan An: *breathlessly* Wooseok...

Yan An: please... *pulls his sleeves down and nurses the red welts in his skin*

Wooseok: *fangs are only inches away from Yan An's neck*

Wooseok: *inhales the scent of warm blood* it smells so good... just a bite. just 1 bite. it wont hurt a bit. i promise.

Yan An: *submitting* if u need it that badly... go ahead. i wont fight u.

Wooseok: *is surprised by his friend's selflessness* i... well, if u say so... i guess i'll just help myself. *licks his lips and descends*

Yan An: *tenses, can feel Wooseok's hot breath on his neck, his teeth brushing his skin*

Wooseok: 😟 *hesitates*

Wooseok: *draws back slowly, licking his dry fangs and fighting the raging hunger inside him*

Wooseok: *turns away* hide...

Yan An: *slowly opening his eyes* what?


Yan An: *bolts from the room*

Wooseok: *stumbles into the kitchen, ignores the startled Jinho and Hongseok, rummages through the fridge*

Jinho: *places his hand on Wooseok's arm* what happened? who screamed?

Wooseok: *growling* dont touch me.

Jinho: *retracts his hand, backs away to stand beside Hongseok* wooseok, what's wrong?

Hongseok: *tries to inch away and escape*

Jinho: *elbows Hongseok in the ribs* how can we help?

Wooseok: save yourselves. Tell the others to get as far away as possible... b4 i do something i regret.

Jinho: *whispers to Hongseok* where r Yuto n Shinwon when u need them??

Wooseok: *searches for anything that contains blood, anything at all*

Wooseok: *finds a raw steak, rips open the package n gnaws into it*

Jinho & Hongseok: *watch in silent horror as Wooseok tears the meat apart like a ravenous beast*

Hongseok: *inches towards the counter, reaches for the garlic*

Wooseok: *senses movement, grabs Hongseok's arm, his eyes pulsating red* put it down rn. B4 i shove it down ur throat.

Hongseok: *whimpers, rips his arm away from Wooseok's grip*

Jinho: we won't leave you. thats not an option.

Wooseok: *suddenly feels dizzy, winces, falls against the fridge*

Jinho: *starts forward, then stops, cautious as whether it's safe to help* wooseok... i hate seeing u like this. what do u need? we'll get it for you, whatever it is.

Wooseok: it hurts... 😭 im aching all over... suffering so much... i think... i think i'm dying.

Jinho: 😨!

Wooseok: i need blood. 💉 right now.

Wooseok: but i wont use my friends for my own benefit. Not while i'm still in my right mind. I'd rather die 1st.

Shinwon: *hurries into the kitchen w/ two blue shopping bags* i brought what u need.

Wooseok: *sniffing the air* i can smell it. *snatches the bag from Shinwon, rips open the first pouch of warm blood and sucks it down*

Jinho: where'd u get it?

Hongseok: *while every1's distracted, uses this as his chance to escape*

Shinwon: *looking a little sick* dw about that part... just let wooseok feed in peace.

Yuto: *appears* and get that garlic off the counter. even if it's unpeeled, the smell's gonna get to him eventually. and we don't want him aggravated. trust me.

Wooseok: *relishing the last pouch* i need more.

Shinwon: *nervous* i dont have any more.

Wooseok: then i guess you'll just have to get some. or else. 💀

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