roses are red but roses have thorns therefore roses must be bad

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Hui: r u busy tonight?

E'Dawn: not rlly. y?

Hui: want to come over? my mom's making seaweed soup. :3

E'Dawn: ur mom's a great cook~

Hui: i know she is ^^

Hui: and i know how much u love her seaweed soup.

Hui: so, u coming?

E'Dawn: I dont see why not. Overnight or just for the afternoon?

Hui: i have an extra sleeping bag if u wanna stay the night

E'Dawn: sounds good. at least this gives me an excuse to get away from home for a while

Hui: oh no what happened?

E'Dawn: nothing

Hui: is everything o-

E'Dawn: pls excuse what i said b4--it wasnt meant for you

Hui: huh?

E'Dawn: i subconsciously spoke my true thoughts ;_; pls ignore them

E'Dawn: im currently beating myself so it wont happen again

Hui: aww, do you want to talk about it?

E'Dawn: no.

Hui: Dawnie-

E'Dawn: pls just forget it~

E'Dawn: pls just forget it~

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Hui: 😍 forget what?

E'Dawn: 😏 exactly.

Hui: See u at 8!

/hui's house/

E'Dawn: *presses doorbell*

E'Dawn: *waits*

E'Dawn: *spams doorbell*


E'Dawn: hurry it up this bag is heavy

Hui: *screams through the door* WE DONT WANT UR GIRL SCOUT COOKIES

E'Dawn: um its me dawn

Hui: oh. *opens the door slowly* can i help u?

E'Dawn: w/ this bag? yes, u can.

Hui: no i mean why are u here

E'Dawn: becuz u invited me??

Hui: ah. I remember none of that.

E'Dawn: *scratches the back of his head awkwardly* um ok then?


<you have 1 new message>

HyunA: u there?

HyunA: i need a hand

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