Chapter Fourteen

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Harry looked up from his phone when he heard the front door close.  While he was simultaneously relieved to hear Samantha return to his house, he was also irritated that she allowed her boyfriend to pick her up for a date there.  And when she breezed into the kitchen like nothing was wrong, his irritation won out.

Samantha set the coffee carrier down on the counter,

"Morning."  She gestured to the cups as she peeled herself out of her hoodie, "Coffee."
"I can see it's coffee,"  Harry retorted.  He had to watch his tone.  If he got shitty with her again she was liable to walk out of the house and never return and he didn't know why but that scared him, "I thought we agreed no one was supposed to know you were working for me."

Samantha pulled her ponytail up, smoothing it down with her hands before pushing it over her shoulder,


"Your boyfriend...picking you up here...for a date."

Samantha was actually shocked he waited so long to start giving her shit about Kelly.  She set her hand on her hip,

"He knows who you are."


"So, I didn't think it mattered."

"It matters."

"Why?"  Samantha challenged as she pulled the cups of coffee out of the carrier.

Harry was getting more and more irritated by her nonchalant attitude about this,

"Because I don't need people hanging out around my house waiting for an autograph or a picture."

Samantha turned to look at him,

"Well from what I understand after your last run in Kelly isn't exactly the Harry Styles fangirl type."

Harry stopped,

"Last ru-...he tol-...Look, it's not-"  Harry stumbled over his words.  She knew he'd looked for her that day at Kelly's coffee shop.  That was embarrassing. 

Samantha handed the cup to him, an amused smile playing on her lips,

"It's really ok if you were looking for me.  I promise I won't make a big deal out of it."

Harry looked down at the cup and then up at her.  He reached forward to grab the cup out of her hand.  He didn't like this at all. 

Samantha breezed past him,

"You have a meeting in an hour in London, shouldn't you be dressed?"

Harry set the coffee cup down after taking a long sip,

"Shit!"  He swore as he looked at his watch, "I'll never get there in time."

Samantha nodded,

"I know.  Which is why I changed it to noon two weeks ago." 

Harry stared back at her, his mouth hung open in shock.  She gestured to his room,

"Go...or you'll even be late for that one."

Harry turned to walk out of the kitchen.  He stopped himself, turning around,

"Thank you." 

His voice was loud.  It filled the entire kitchen.  Those two words caused Samantha's eyebrows to raise up almost off her forehead.  He nodded,

"For..."  He stopped, "Thank you."  He repeated.

Samantha watched as he turned around and disappeared.  She bit her lip to keep the smile that was begging to make her cheeks hurt pop up on her face.

Act Two // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now