Chapter Seven: Practice is Over Rated

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****STARKS POV****

The moment I had just had with Arix was beyond amazing and I, being the strong man I was…ignored the shaking feeling that applied to my whole body. Her kisses were amazing…she was amazing. She should define the word love-because when I was around her—that is all I felt…love.

She got into her suit and I smiled as she didn’t even ask how to work the thing. I had suggested to her that we practiced inside first…but she took off yelling a quick few words I didn’t understand. I laughed and playfully chased after her as we flew into the afternoon skies. I hadn’t realized days were going by so quickly…timed seemed to last forever every time I looked into Arix’s precious eyes.

I laughed as she threw cloud balls at me. How come I had never thought of cloud balls???? Well…probably because I had nobody to actually throw them at, but still! She playfully weaved in and out of the white puffs. I growled at her, and then remembered I set up an intercom calling system in each suit.

I activate the button quietly and listen while she flies. She is laughing and through each gasp of breath she is mumbling words. I look ahead and see her look back at me, little knowing that I am eavesdropping on her. She mumbles more nonsense…but then through all the nonsense I swear a heard, “Man I love him.” Well at least that was what I was going to tell myself she said—and I am pretty sure it was.

Finally, I decided to scare the living daylights out of her and so I took a silent breath and yelled,

“ARIX!” I heard her scream,

“STARK! What are you doing you scared the-“I interrupted her rant and whispered softly as I flew up behind her, grabbing the metal waist and twirling her screaming body around in the air. Even though I knew she wanted to punch me in the face, I took off both of our masks and planted a soft kiss on her perfect lips before shouting,

“Race ya back home!” And then casually took off without her. I could practically hear her roll her eyes as she headed my way, like she had been a pro her entire life. I lose sight of her and figure she would meet me back at Stark tower as I previously instructed her to do.

I land on the edge as the machinery takes off my suit. I look around and go to the bar as I poor myself a glass. I am startled by a voice in the distance,

“What took you so long?” Arix appeared out of the shadows, already dressed in normal clothes and out of the suit. I look at her almost in awe,

“How did you get here before me?” She smirks an evil smirk…but her lips were so beautiful I couldn’t help but smile,

“That is a secret—Mr. Stark.” She said rubbing her hand down my arm. I shivered like a chihuahua and felt stupid as I blushed. She was defiantly mocking my weakness…and I hated her for that, but love conquers hate…

****ARIX POV****

As Stark sits next to me on the couch in his office, I realize we won’t be able to get home with him having a few…or should I rather say a “FEW” drinks. Although- I wasn’t afraid of him like I had been of my father. With Stark…his drunkenness was almost funny…but not rage…just silly nonsense. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t want him getting drunk, but if he does it’s not like I would be scared out of my mind to be around him.

I laugh as he drunkenly gets up and stares straight at me. His brownish eyes stare right into mine. I laugh as his mouth sways as he speaks,

“Aaaaarixxxx, yooou arrrrrrrre beeeeeeeaaaaautiffffulz….and pwetttttty.” He slurred touching my chin and smiling like an idiot. I smiled and looked at him as if he knew what he was truly saying,

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