Five Days Or Less

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^^^^For allowing me to use this incredible photo he took and for gallantly offering to defeat RAWRRAWR for me! ;)     


Christy’s POV

“What are you doing?” I heard Leslie ask from behind me, confusion tinging her voice.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m packing,” I responded with a ‘duh’ tone. I knew I was being bitchy but just couldn’t seem to help myself. The last few weeks had been hell. 

Having to sit in his class and focus on what he was teaching all the while remembering everything we had done together… Everything that had happened in that short weekend away… It was eating away at me, slowly consuming me.

I mean of course I saw the logic in what he said, it didn’t mean that it didn’t still hurt and it didn’t make me feel any less rejected or used.

“But why?” Leslie responded in a ‘duh’ tone of her own making the corners of my mouth twitch in an attempt at a smile. I couldn’t recall my last real smile, well that was an exaggeration.  I could but it was during that weekend I’ve been doing my best to forget about.  

“I’ve decided to head out early for the weekend and spend some time at home. I’ll only be missing a few classes and I’ve already let the professors know and gotten my assignments, so I’m all set.” I shrugged, finished packing and zipped my bag up.

“It’s because of him, isn’t it? You’re actually allowing him to get to you to the point your running away,” She accused and I could feel her eyes narrowing as she glared at me even though my back was to her.

“Not at all,” I replied smoothly all the while shouting ‘liar’ to myself in my head.

Of course I was running. Who could blame me?

“Do you really think that I for one second believe that? What the hell is wrong with you?! The Christy I know is a fighter, not some weak, pathetic child who runs away from her problems,” I could hear the scorn in her words and couldn’t help but flinch involuntarily.

What the hell does she know about any of this? Who is she to say that to me?!

“You have no idea what you’re talking about so I suggest you just mind your own business,” I said venomously, beyond caring if I was hurting her with my words. Not like she cared that what she was saying was hurting me.

Turning around I fixed her with a pointed look, “It’s not like your one to talk anyways. You can’t even manage to keep your legs closed long enough to have a decent conversation with a guy let alone fall in love with one.”

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I had crossed a line but was too pissed off to care. I was tired of being judged; tired of people thinking they knew me.

Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I gave her one last glance before walking out the door and slamming it shut on my way out.

Hitching up my bag I stomped down the hall with my eyes glued to the floor, acknowledging no one.  I was almost to the stairs when I saw a pair of black shoes in front of me.

Scowling I shifted to walk around them only to have them step in front of me again. Feeling my temper spiking even further I looked up preparing to give the person my best death glare only to have it freeze somewhere in mid death.

“Move,” I bit out stiffly, shifting my eyes so they weren’t staring into those too blue eyes that had been invading my mind for far too long.

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