Chapter 6 : The accidental meeting with them...

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Hi part 6 of the story is here! I want to say sorry that my story line is not matching with the manga and anime one. Sorry.. and as always Cobra is OOC.

Your kid's name is Nicolas... got that? good lets start!


_Time skip : 6 years_

_Cobra P.O.V_

It's been 6 years since me and (Y/N) had that really 'fun' night. Funny thing is that after that night she got pregnant. First when I found out I was angry but then I got over it. It was really hard in the beginning. Thinking that this unborn child's father is in prison...I'm I even gonna be a good father?

I was questioning myself all the time, but (Y/N) told me not to worry. And she was right! After the child was born we named him Nicholas. He had my skin tone, (Y/N) hair colour, and one purple eye and one (E/C). He truly where a mix between us.

Anyway the last 6 years he has been my little light. Whenever there is visiting he is always so happy to see me! It's weird for me to say, but I feel happier when (Y/N) and Nicholas is here... The Magic Council is actually debating if I can get out of prison and be with my family. They haven't really decided yet but soon. Maybe then I will be with my family!

If that happen I can play games with Nicholas and put him to sleep, se him grow up. I know it may sound weird for a guy like me but...I finally have a family and if you where away from a loving family like them then you'd also want to be with them.

They where here yesterday and my little boy is starting to grow more and more, I'm not there to see him grow up. I was't there when he took his first steps, I wasn't there either when he said his first word. I just all ready missed so much in his little life. It just makes me so sad and angry at myself!!

Anyway I'm just sitting here and wanting for a answer. Hoping that I could be with my family. Just then a guard came...

"Cobra you will be with your family...." he said

I was almost smiling because of how happy I was.

"Until the Council actually makes a choice" he finished with a smirk

'What...The...Actual...F*uk!!! I thought he was gonna let me go!!' I scream in my head

Well I get to be with my family...What could possibly go wrong?


_Time skip : Next day_

_Nicholas P.O.V_

I was out in the garden playing when the old lady who own the town stable came walking up the hill. She have always helps mommy with things like food and raising me. My dad is not here because he's in jail for some bad things he did.

Anyway I love him!! he's actually really nice towards me. We visited him yesterday and we talk a lot.

The old lady opened the gate and went towards me

"Hello Nicholas, how are you this beautiful day?" she asked me

"Hi I am good thank you!" I answer her

"Is you'r mom around here?" She ask

"Yeah! Mommy should be in the kitchen!" I answer with a smile on my lips

I didn't know then but this following week would be the most emotional week in my life. Both Happy and sad feelings...

The old lady went in to the house to check my mom if she was alright. When she was gone I started to play again and not more then a minuet later she was screaming for help.

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