Chapter 9 : Happiness?

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Well Greeting fellow reader! Yes, a new chapter is here thanks to me bing sick! Anyway For the people that are wondering I have had a serious talk with my parents and I now have a schedule for studying so that I don't over stress myself! 😁

Enough of that : WARNING: Cobra may be were OOC and this is super fuff!

Så, ha kul med att läsa den här! (Translation From Swedish to English: So, have fun reading this!)

-(Y/N) P.O.V-

'I sometimes think how our future is going to look like and this is not what I imagined...'




I sigh as i rub my temples i annoyed. I swear to Zeref.


"NOOOOO! MOMMY HELP ME!!" My son screamed as he ran to the kitchen where I stood and made food.


(A/N: You will get the wedding in a special chapter-ish😏😳)

I heard the heavy footsteps of my husband, come closer to the kitchen. Just as I sigh, I felt two smol hands grip my skirt.

I look down at my 6 year-old son, only to see him with only boxers on...

"Ahhh...S-Sweetie why don't you have pants on?" I asked him in a confused voice.

"Because I am a free man!" He answered proudly.

"But Sweetie even if you are 'a free man' you have to wear pants." I said calmly as I went back to cooking.

"B-But" He looked up at me with bunny eyes and said "But I heard Dad say 'I am a free man and I can do what ever I want with your body' So I thought that if Dad is a free man isn't I that to?"

I chocked at my own spit. 'Shit did he hear us that night?'

Just then Cobra came in.

"NICOLAS CHIM (L/N)!!!! PUTT ON YOUR PANTS NOW!" Cobras face was red of anger.

Nicolas pouted but went over to cobra and mumbled a quiet apology and took the pants from Cobras hand and putt them on.

"See I am a good Dad! I got him to put on his pants!" He said with a smirk.

"No, mommy made me put on pants..."

Cobra shot a playful glare at Nicolas. After I recovered from chocking on my own spit I said.

"Anyway the food is done so sit down."

"Okey mommy/Babe!" They answered at the same time.

-Time skip: Brought by Chim Chim sining Lie-

We all sat by the table and just taking, when I remember something...

"Oh yeah Cobra, I need to go in to town to buy some fruit and other things."

"Mommy I want to come with you!" Nicolas said as he looked at me with bunny eyes again.

"Well then I don't want to be all alone here so I will come to." Cobra said.

Nicolas smiled a bunny smile as he jumped up and down exited. The sight mad me smile in pure happiness.

"So a family trip?" Nicolas asked more exited then ever.

"Sure why not?" Cobra said.

Cobra stood up and took Nicolas's hand in his own big hand and walked to the front door. Nicolas was smiling so much and jumped as he swung Cobras arm back and forth as he jumped.

In my mind this was one of the most beautiful moments in life. This doesn't happen every day. At least not to us. Cobra could go back to prison any moment.

And that made me worry for Nicolas especially sense he was so happy to have a father by his side again.

"HEY (Y/N)! Come on we don't have the whole day!" I heard Cobra shout from the front door.

I smiled as I answered "I am coming boys! Come down!"

'So yeah, This may not be the future I thought of in the beginning but I like it. Because it's it everything I didn't imagine and I like it that way. It may not be perfect all the time but nothing is perfect, we all know that. But for now I will enjoy it as long as I can.' 

-Author- chan's P.O.V-

As (Y/N) slowly walked towards her boys as she thought of how lucky she was. At the same time Cobra also thought of how lucky he was to have such beautiful and talented wife as well as a son that is just like him.

Believe it or not but he almost cried at that. Yes, the tough Cobra almost cried.

But little did the family know everything was gonna crash down fast...


So I hope that you enjoy it! I was thinking of doing a 3k special chapter but I don't really know... so please let me know! Should I do it or not? And what did you think of the chapter?

Anyway see ya soon!!!

~LOL   (๑╹ω╹๑ ) 

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