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hi ! I'm back . I have really important thing to say ... Really , so you need to read this as soon as possible , since it will kinda affect the story in a way .

First :

I will be reducing the number of wishes from 80 to 20 , cause after thinking about it , I found it quite illogical for a girl like Alice to wish for so many things , 80 is a big number . And as I picture Alice in my mind , I get she wouldn't be that demanding . She just wants a hand to hold , and warm memories to keep before she dies . And every person , in this situation would actually think the same . In the other hand , it will make it easy for me as a writer to pick the most essential and important things she'll wish for .

Secondly :

I will prolong the duration predicted for Alice to live . Like that , we'll have more chapters and more events happening which will surely enrich the story and give more meaning to it ..Also , will it give more time for Jake and Alice to knew each other better than ever .

Finally :

I will be changing the title of the story to a more suiting and reasonable one . Thus , the cover will change .

Don't worry , these little changes will only lead our story to the better , And who doesn't want to spend more time listening to Alice and Jake's fight s about nonsense . Just keep up supporting me as you do . Don't forget to commmmmote !!!!

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