Why Me?

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Danny's POV

I was laying in my bed not really having much to do. I decided to text Jay see if he wants to hang out or something.


Hey J.

'Sup Dan-bro

Im bored. Wanna hang out?

Sure be there in about...five to ten minutes.

Okay see ya J


Texting over

As I waited for Jay I decided to scroll through twitter. I followed Deuce on here. Okay I may or may not have a crush on him but who cares he hates me and HU so whats the point of having a crush on someone who hates you and who youre supposed to hate aswell. But its just so damn hard to.

Soon, Jay pulled up into my driveway and then knocked on my door. I quickly got up and went to open the door to let him in.

"Hey Dan." Jay said cheerfully

"Hey J." I replied

He comes inside before I shut the door. He sits down on my couch then I do the same.

"Soooo....whatcha wanna do, lion?" he asked

"Eh..Im not really sure" I said

"Oh" he replied back with a sigh

"Hey J?" I asked

"Yea Dan?"

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, feeling a little uncertain about my question

"Sure of course ask away" he said proudly

"Have you ever had a- well liked someone who you thought or knew hated you?" I asked, nervousness washing over me

"Not really. Why do you ask?" he said

I shrugged " just curious thats all"

"Oh....um...ok" he replied

Soon I started getting sleepy and Jay could tell. He carried me to my room and laid me in my bed then covered me up with me instantly falling asleep. Jay leaving soon after.


"Aron?" I asked, my voice a little shaky as he glares at me more

"Why the fuck you here, ya little fuckboy?" he snarled causing me to shake even more. Why do I feel so scared? 

"I...I-I...Im s-sorry A-Aron" I stuttered

He chuckles then grabs me by my shoulders....just as when he was leaning in closer I bolted up in my bed. Why was I dreaming about....him? Why me? Im supposed to hate him not love him.

I cant, can I? - TP x DM [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang