Love Me

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Danny_s POV

I woke up to see I was cuddled up to Aron. I smiled seeing him still asleep. I tried to get up without waking him with complete succession.

I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I was deciding on making Aron breakfast but what? Before I could figure out what to make my boyfriend I heard movement in the bedroom meaning hes awake.

He soon came downstairs. He smiled after seeing me in the kitchen.  I smiled back.

"Hows my baby this morning?" he asked, I blushed. "Im good"I said, he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Thats good" he muttered. "So whatcha doin'?" he asked "Trying to figure what to make you for breakfast." I said, causing him to blush but smile. "You dont have to babe." he said "But I want to" I said "I know but Im not really hungry right now" he said looking down. "Oh...ok" I said, he looked back up at me with a grin. I rose an eyebrow to this. "What you thinking 'bout?" I asked, his grin grew into a smile. "Wanna go for a walk?" he asked "Sure why not" I said.

With that we went out of my house after getting dressed. He took out a cigarette and lit it. I looked at him as he put it in his mouth. He looked at me. "What? Do I have something on my face?" he asked, feeling his face. I giggled. "No I guess I just zoned out or something" I said looking down. He chuckled "Its alright I mean who wouldnt want to zone out to this" he said, pointing to himself. "Heh sure" I said, he gave me a weird look. "Are you saying I aint sexy?" he asked "No Im just kidding baby. Youre the most sexiest guy I ever met." I said throwing an arm around his neck. "And youre the most adorable person I ever met." he said wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Yea sure" I said looking forward. "You are bsby boy. How am I gon get that through your besutiful head?" he asked, I shrugged. "I dont know" I said. "Mhm" we continued walking til he whined about wanting to go back home. So we walked back.

~3 days later~

Things between me and Aron was going great then all of a sudden started going downhill.

"Wh-where are you going?" I asked, trying to hold back tears seeing Aron. He seemed pissed. "I gotta go to the studio." he said. I could tell he was trying not to  sound angry. "But why?" I said, ending up letting a tear fall. I didnt want him to go I wanted him to stay with me forever. "I gotta deal with an asshole." he said, heading out of the bedroom. I got up and followed. "Who? What happened? " I asked eager to get an answer. More tears were falling seeing him close to leaving. "Dont worry about it." he stated coldly. "O-Oh um ok" I whispered. He looked at me seeing the tears trailing down my cheeks. "Ill be back in a bit ok?" he said, I nodded. He came over to me and put his hamds on my shoulders. I looked up at him. "Please dont cry baby boy." he whispered. I only started to cry more. I didnt want him to leave. But he was going to either way.  "Pl-Please dont l-leave." I stuttered. He looked down then back uo at me. "Im sorry Danny but I have to." he said "Why?" I asked, he looked sad. "Jeff decided it would be a good idea to go to my studio and start shit with Arina." he said. "W-Why? Why w-would he w-want t-to do th-that?" I asked still stuttering. "He and Arina used to date and now that she broke up with him he wants to try and ruin her life pretty much." he said. "I-I wanna come with you." I said, he wiped away my tears. "I want you to stay here. Its for the best." he said. "But-" he cut me off by putting a finger to my lips. "You dont need to see whats about to happen. Youll be safe here." he said before kissing my cheek. He let go of my shoulders and left.

Aron's POV

I hope Danny's okay. I mean he was crying.....alot. I feel so bad. Im the cause of it. He wouldnt of cried if I didnt have to leave.

I soon got to the studio only to hear shouting. I quickly ran inside. I saw Arina holding her hand to her face. Did he hit her?! "You motherfucker did you hit my fucking sister?!" I yelled at Jeff or better known as Shady Jeff. "Why hello to you too Deucey." he smirked. "Answer me dammit!" I yelled again demanding an answer.  "So what? She deserved it." he chuckled. I completely lost it. I walked over to him and punched the asshole right in the jaw. I continued to beat the shit out of him until Gadjet pulled me off. "Hes out." he said, chuckling. "Good" Arina scoffed. I walked over to her scanning to see if he did anything else. "He only slapped me." she said. "Are you ok?" I asked, she nodded.  "Good" I said. "You can go back home if ya want." she whispered. I nodded. "Be careful, please" I said, she nodded. "Ill try" I left after she said that.

I soon got home, my home not Danny's. I went inside and plopped down on my couch. I got a text from Danny.

Danny - Aron?

Aron - Yea?

Danny - Do you love me?

Aron - Of course

Danny - Ok

Aron - Why?

Danny - No reason

Aron - There has to be a reason

I didnt get an answer back for a while hell I never did. I started getting worried. Soon my worry got the best of me so I called Danny.

No answer

I tried again. Still not answer

I then left and went to his house. I rushed inside to see him nowhere. I went up to his bedroom and I just wanted to die then and there. He was laying on the floor a pool of blood beside him his left wrist cut. I called Jorel. Since I still have his number. I told him about Danny and he said hed tell the guys and told me theyd be here quickly. I rushed into the bathroom and searched through the cabinets to find the first aid kit.

Soon the guys got here. Jorel being the first to walk in the room. I found the first aid kit and brought it out and gave it to George since he was right by Danny. He started fixing his wrist.

I felt my heat breaking seeing my boyfriend like this. It tore me to shreads. I couldnt handle it. I ran out of the room. Jay following me. "Aron. Hey its gonna be alright. Hes strong." he assured me. "I know.  If only I didnt leave this wouldnt have happened." I said, tears spilling out and rolling down my cheeks. "Its okay Aron its okay." he whispered, rubbing my back. "What if he doesnt m-make it?" I asked. "Hes gonna make it just you wait." he said. I nodded "Youre right. Thanks Jay." I said "Anytime bro" he said.

~2 hours ~

Danny soon woke up. I could only hear whimpers coming from his room. I got up to go check. When I got in there I saw him sitting against the wall. He was crying. I could tell he didnt notice me. "Danny? You ok baby?" I asked, tears threatening to spill seeing him with hurt in his eyes. "A-Aron?" he said, I walked over to him noticing the pool of blood that was once there gone. "H-Hey baby boy." I whispered. "Why are you here?"he asked, I knelt down in front of him. "Cause I was worried. When I got here I saw you on the floor over there passed out with blood spilling out of your wrist. The only thing I could feel besides my heart breaking was guilt. If only I didnt leave it wou-" he cut me off my shoving his hand over my mouth. "Stop" he simply said "its not your fault, I was being stupid." he added. I shook my head. "It still hurt to see you like that tho." I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks once again. He smiled sadly. "Its okay Aron. Im okay" he assured me. I nodded "And thats a good thing." I concluded. "I love you Danny" I said, he smiled adorably "I love you too" he said back. "Dont ever do this again....please?" I asked, he nodded "I promise"

Im glad hes okay if he didnt make it. It wouldve been the end for both of us.

I cant, can I? - TP x DM [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now