Hold Me Close

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Danny's POV

I woke up with Aron by my side. I smiled and snuggled into his side. He loves me. I cant believe I just hurt him like that. He cares so much about me.

I got up and went downstairs. I looked in his fridge. Does he have anything besides beer and vodka? He soon came downstairs. "What ya doin' babe?" he asked, I looked up and saw him looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Do you have anything besides alcohol?" I asked, he shrugged. "Well...theres a sink if you want water." he said, I groaned. "You need to get some non-alcoholic drinks." I suggested, he shrugged. "I guess I could for you." he said, I smiled.

A few hours later he left to get some "non-alcoholic" drinks leaving me all alone. I gotta admit, I hate it when he leaves me alone. When Im alone my suicidal thoughts resurface and who knows what could happen.

I decided to go home and get my stuff packed. Im gonna talk with Aron about moving in with him. Hopefully hes down with it, I wouldnt doubt that. So Im gonna go ahead and get my stuff ready so all that I would have to do is put it all in my car and bring them to Aron's.

Aron's POV

I left to go get some stuff for Danny and maybe some other stuff for myself. I dunno, hopefully he likes what I get. I soon got all the things I needed, when I got to the register the lady working it decided she wants to try and flirt with me.

"So how are you today?" she asked. "Im fine" I said, trying to avoid a long conversation. "Are you having a party tonight?" she asked, I shook my head. "Oh" she said, taking her dear sweet ass time on the items. "You dating anybody?" she asked, I nodded. "Oh then whoever youre dating is very lucky" she smiled, I shrugged. "I guess" I whispered. Finally she finished. I left and got into my car and driving back home. Before I left, the lady from before was watching me as I walked out along with another girl who seemed like she'd steal anything if you promised her alot of money.

I soon got home, I walked inside and put all the stuff I bought up. I didnt see Danny anywhere. Not inside nor outside. Wheres my baby? I started freaking out, thoughts coming to me that hes hurt somewhere calling out for me to save him, to help him. I felt tears prick in the corners of my eyes at the thought of Danny being injured.

I suddenly burst into tears, the thoughts not leaving my mind. I was curled up in a ball on my couch sobbing loudly. My sobs were loud enough to where I didnt hear my front door open. "Aron?" I heard Danny say. I looked up to see my beautiful boyfriend with a worried looked plastered across his face.

I jumped up and ran to him, hugging him tightly. He hugged back just as tight. "Babe why are you crying?" he asked softly, I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "I...you werent here when I g-got back I-I was sc-scared you were h-hurt or someth-thing." I stuttered, not being able to hold back sobs. Danny was rubbing circles into my back. "Its alright Arry Im here Im not hurt or anything. Im fine everything is going to be ok. Trust me." he assured me, I nodded slightly just wanting to be in his arms. He makes me feel safe, like we're the only two on this planet.

He sat me down on my couch then sat down beside me. "Do you want anything?" he asked, I nodded. "Whst is it?" he asked, I reached my arms out for him to hug me, to hold me. "Hold me close" I whispered, he smiled sadly and hugged me tightly. I hugged back just as tight. I didnt want to leave, or him to leave me anytime soon.

I cant, can I? - TP x DM [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now