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Aron's POV

~2 months later~

Everything was perfect, nothing could possibly go wrong....or so I thought.

"Aron stop being such a bitch!" Danny yelled, causing my blood to boil and tears threaten to spill. I dont understand what I did wrong. "Why do you always assume I do shit to hurt you, huh?!" I yelled back, Danny glared at me. "I saw the texts from girls maybe some guys. I thought you loved me! But of course Im the one in the wrong!" Danny yelled, I felt my heart break seeing his tears. "Danny Im sorry ok?" I said, he shook his head. "I dont want to hear your fucking sorry! I hate you! You cheated on me. We"re done you fucking jerk!" Danny sobbed, I felt guilt and hatred wash over me. Not hate for him but for myself.

I hurt him bad he will never forgive me for this. I didnt mean to cheat. I got drunk and got stupid I wasnt thinking clearly. But its too late to say anything....he left.

Danny's POV

I cant believe him. Almost three and a half years we"ve been together and those years were the best years of our lives and he just gone and threw it all away. Now I only see him on tv. Singing songs about HU and other shit. He never loved me, I cant believe I fell for him after all I did for him hed just cheat. I hate him, hes just a fucking fuckboy. Thats all he is. But why do I still have a little bit of love for him?

I was currently just walking around my house just doing whatever. Suddenly there was a knock on my front door. I walked over and opened it. Anger bubbled in the pit of stomach. "Aron! What the hell are you doing here?!" I yelled in anger. "Danny Im sorry ok? I regret everything I did to you. I get that you dont ever want to get back together with me and thats fine...I guess but I just want you to forgive me. Im truly sorry for the pain I put you through Im sorry. I still love you and I know you hate my guts and thats ok. Just please forgive me" he pleaded, I noticed the tears spilling down his cheeks. I alao noticed hes been crying for a while now. He really misses me.

"Aron I do forgive you but I-I just cant believe youd just do that to me" I choked out. "I know and Im sorry" he said, I grabbed his hoodie sleeve and pulled him inside. "Danny I cant stand being without you anymore. I need you" he said. "Aron Ill have to think about it." I said, he nodded. "I understand" he said.

~Couple Hours Later~

I decided to give Aron another chance. I walked downstairs to see Aron sitting on my couch looking depressed and worried. I sat down close to him and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him close to me. "Im giving you one more chance and if you blow it we're done for good" I said, he nodded. "I love you Danny" he said, smiling. I smiled back, "I love you too Arry" I said.

~3 Months Later~

Its been three months since I gave Aron his second chance. So far its going great. Hes been really clingy though. With all this pain he put me through him coming back cleared it up. Its like hes my own personal painkiller....or something. Im glad hes back in my life.

The guys never knew of our little argument or the fact we nearly divorced. And they never will its just a thing of the past...the painful past. Jorel and Zacky are engaged. George and Jordon are too, Dylan and Matty are now happily married. Its still upsetting me that Matty left the band. But at least we're all still buddies.

"Hey Danny?" Aron said, I looked over at him. "Hu-" I was cut off by Aron kissing me. I, of course, kissed back. He pulled away smiling widely. "I missed doing that." he said, I blushed. "And I missed receiving them" I said, he smiled big.

We were happily married nothing getting in the way this time. Though we fought alot we still mastered to forgive one another no matter what.

(Hey guys so this is the end of this book I hope you enjoyed it and well I loves you all!!! <3)

I cant, can I? - TP x DM [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now