Birthday Gift

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(I know it was Deuce's B-Day yesterday I wouldve published this yesterday but I dunno whether its my phone or the app or the connection but anyways here it is now)

Aron's POV

I woke up to see Danny wasnt by me. I got up and walked downstairs to find Danny in the kitchen. "Morning baby" I said, he turned and saw me and quickly walked over to me. "Morning hamdsome" he said, I blushed a bit. "Whatcha doin'?" I asked, he shrugged. "Nothing lets go to the park." he said, I nodded.

We left the house and began walking to the park. "Shit" I muttered, Danny looked over at me. "Hmm?" he said. "I forgot to lock the door." I said, he rubbed my shoulder. "Its fine baby we shouldnt be gone that long." he said, I nodded. "Alright"

Danny's POV

We made it to the park and I found a picnic table to sit at so I grabbed Aron's wrist and dragged him over to it and sat down. "I love you Dannyboy" he said, I smiled. "I love you too Arry." I smiled, he smiled back.. I suddenly felt my phone vibrste. I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Jay which read.

Jay- We're here

"Is that the asshole?" Aron asked, I shook my head. "No its Jorel" I said, he nodded. "Alright what he want?" he asked. "Uh nothing just checking up on us" I said, he nodded.

Danny- Alright just text me when you guys are ready

Jay- will do DanBro

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to sit and talk with Aron. "Wanna go watch a movie or something?" Aron asked, I shrugged. "Maybe later" I said, he nodded. "A'ight". A few minutes later I got another text from Jay.

Jay- Everything's ready

Danny- Okay thanks Jay

Jay- Anytime

"Ok lets go home" I said, Aron nodded. He suddenly looked sad like he didnt want to do anything but he wad being made to. We walked back home and I immediately covered his eyes as we walked inside. "Danny what're you doin'?" he asked, I giggled a little then uncovered his eyes.

My whole band was here along with Arina and surprisingly Truth. "Danny?" Aron whispered. "Happy Birthday babe" I said, he smiled big. "Lets get this party started!" Dylan  laughed.

We were having alot of fun Dylan and Charlie dancing like complete idiots. Matty laughing at Dylan while George was trying to hold back laughter as he watched his boyfriend. Aron sitting on the couch on his phone. I rose an eyebrow to that and walked over to him. He looked up at me and sat his phone down. I took this as a chance to sit on his lap which I did. "Enjoying your birthday so far?" I asked, he nodded. "Thanks to you" he smirked, I tilted my head. "How so?" I asked. "Oh I dunno just you being mine and the fact that youre my husband now and that youre here makes this the best birthday I ever far." he said, I blushed.

"How about later we go watch a movie?" I asked, smirking a bit. He nodded smiling. "I love you Danny forever and always" he said. "I love you too Aron forever and always." I said, he blushed a deep red. I smiled.

A few minutes later the party was over and the guys went home after helping clean the place up. After everyone left I went to the bedroom and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and my sleeveless red hoodie along with my vest. Before I walked out I slipped on my white converses. Aron was wearing his blue jeans with a belt with the LA buckle and a sleeveless 9Lives shirt along with some converses.

We then left to the movie theater and decided on "The Babadook". Apparently its supposed to be a scary movie. Well lets see about that. A few hours later the movie was over and we left to go home.  When we got home I instantly went into the bedroom. I got into bed after taking off my shoes and my vest and hoodie. A bit later Aron got into bed and wrapped his arms around me. "Baby you ok?" he asked, I nodded. "Im fine" I said. "Alright" he said then kissed my head. Soon we both fell asleep.

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