Petra, The lone wanderer

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Jesse's POV
We passed though the neighborhood I grew up in and went on to the bridge. "Were are we going?" I asked. "Back to my place, it's called Red rocket. I have some stuff there and a friend that maybe able to help you" She said. "And if not" I said. "Then my best guest is that your sister maybe at the jew of the commonwealth, Diamond city" Petra said. "What's at diamond city?" I asked. "Everything, guns, hair cuts, modifications, homes, etc. It's the one place where no one will turn a gun on you or that's what they say" Petra explained.

I nodded. "Plus, you won't survive 2 days in this place looking like that!" She pointed at me. "What's wrong with the way I look!" I asked. "First of, it's obvious your from the vault with that outfit on, second that pistol is only going to get you so far" she said. "You seem to know a lot about the commonwealth" I said.

"Grew up in them alone, so..."

"What happened to your parents?"

"I don't like talking about it" She said really fast. I til my head in confusion.....sad back story maybe. Rueben whimpered.

Soon I could see this gas station with the words 'Red Rocket' on them. Rueben ran off inside causing a fimilar face to show. "Codsworth!" I yelled. "Plus all that is good, It you sir! Petra you found him!" Codsworth yelled as he came over to use. "Wait, this is the guy you never stop talking about?" Petra said. "Yes, Sir your 310 years late for dinner" He laughed.

"Codsworth, how did you survive" I asked. "Well I took cover in the house and luckly survived, I tried to keep the place cleaned in case you, mom, and little lucy came back.... which by the way where is mom and little lucy?" Codsworth asked.

I looked down...not wanting to explain it again. " dead, Lucy......I don't know where she is but, I know shes alive" I said. "Oh sir what are you going to do?" Codsworth asked. "I was hoping you could tell me" I said. "Well, their is Dimond city and there is also those guys in concord" Codsworth said. "I totally forgot about them" Petra said.

"Thanks codsworth, I promise I'll find Lucy" I said. "Good luck Jesse- oh I mean Sir" Codsworth said. "It's fine Codsworth, you can call me by my name" I said.

I looked over at Petra. "So where's concord?" I asked. "Over that hill, head straight, and you'll see it" she said as she started to walk away. "Your not coming?" I asked. "Sorry Jesse, I stand alone" she said. "Alone?" I said. "Yep, that's why everyone in the commonwealth calls me 'Petra, The lone wanderer'" She said.

"But Petra I really need your help, you know everything and everyone on the commonwealth" I said. She handed me an assault rifle she found. "You can keep that and head on your way" she said. I gulped, she meant those words....I know that for a fact.

She started to walk away. I didn't stop her. "Thanks Petra, for everything. I won't have made it this far without you" I said with a smile. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at me. I smiled a little bit bigger making her smile a little. She then quickly shook it off.

I giggled a little and stated to head to concord...alone.

Petra's POV
"Why do I feel like am making a mistake" I said to Codsworth. "Petra, I know Jesse as good as anyone. Trust me, he isn't another one to pull a trigger on his frieneds. In fact, I say he would take a bullet for one of his friends." Codsworth said.

I sighed, I looked over to see Jesse not to far away. I huffed, curse my overprotective heart. I grabbed my fusion core just in case we bump into power armor and called for Rueben. He followed me without hesitation as we started to catch up to Jesse. "Jesse!" I yelled making him turn around. He smiled when he saw me. I came to a stop when I got close to him. "Changed your mind?" He said with a sly smile. "I can change it back" I said as he laughed.

Jesse's POV
I looked forward, seeing the wasteland before use. I looked over at Petra who was beside me. She looked at me and smile making me smile. "You with me" I asked. "Am with you" she said as we started to walk into the unforgiving wasteland.

At concord

Most of these buildings where torn down or broken. I noticed everything was quiet. It made me think that there was no one in this new world.

"How many times have you come here Petra" I asked. "About three or four, most of the time am just passing through." She said. All of a sudden their where gunshots in the distance. "Oh notch, come on Jesse!" Petra said as we started to head toward the gunshots. Soon we could see this man on the roof firing at raiders that were trying to get in. "Jesse take out the left, I'll get the right" Petra said. I nodded as I took aim at someone. I felt everything slow down...I have never killed someone before. Notch forgive me. I shot him dead on causing him to fall down. I kept shooting at the raiders til they would fall. Petra had both her sword and pistol out. Making head shots and hits on her sword.


Soon everyone was dead. I sighed in relief. As Petra came over to me. Rueben came outside a building doing what knows. "Petra! Is that you!" The guy said on the roof. "Yeah It's me" She said. "Get inside quick! We have to talk" the guy said. "Who is that?" I asked. "Preston, he also has five other people with him. Their names are Axel, Mrs. Judy, Mr. Judy, Jack, and mama ellie" she said. I gave her a werid look when she said mama ellie. "We don't know why but, she like to be called that" she explained. I nodded as we started to head inside.

Once we opened the door I could see that this place could use a fixer upper. "Wow" I said. I followed Petra cause she obviously knew where she was going. "By the way Jesse, be careful of Jack" Petra said. "Is he overprotective?" I asked. "Yes...." She said. I guessed from that point he was overprotective on Petra.

Petra knocked on a door abd it opened revelling everyone. "It's been a long time Pet-" Preston stopped when he saw me. "Hi" I said with a smile. Preston looked at Petra and then back at me. "Don't worry Preston, he's a friend" Petra said. "Well stranger, Petra must really like you for you to be following her around." Preston said. "What! Petra likes this guy, look at him he's from the vault!" Someone said which I guested was Jack.

"Oh for the love of- he needs help so go on tell them Jesse" Petra said obviously wanting to get out of this conversation. "Am looking for my little sister, she's only a year old" I said. "Notch, am sorry... we haven't seen her" Preston said. "Oh, sorry I yelled at you" Jack said. "The only place I would know to go is Diamond city" Preston said. "Everything's pointing at Diamond city" I said to Petra. "Uh, I had to go their anyways" Petra said. "Wait Petra, is it fine if we move to the neighborhood near your gas station?" Preston asked. Petra looked at me, probably because my home was their. "Yeah sure" I said.

All of a sudden their was this huge roar. "Oh notch" Petra said as she looked out of the window. "What is it?" I asked. "It's a death claw" she said. "Death claw" I asked. "Basicly if you see one and you don't have power aromor, your screwed" Petra said.

"There's Power armor on the roof" This big guy said. Petra then pulled out a fusion core. Petra looked at me. "Are you thinking what am thinking" she said with a smile. is no way am getting close to a killing machine!!!! (Jesse will be getting close to a killing machine in the next chapter)

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