Diamond City

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Jesse's POV
What??? What was going on? Why was everything so dark? Why couldn't I hear anything? And why was my head spinning? I tried opening my eyes but, I couldn't. Was I in a dead sleep?

All of a sudden I felt licks on my face. Was that Reuben? Luckily I was able to open my eyes after that. It was Reuben. He started to waggle his tail. "Hey boy" I was able to say. I lifted my hand and stroked his head. I looked all around me to take in where I was at. I was in a room that had a lantern in the middle of it. I was laying on some type of sleeping bag with bandages to the left of me.

"Where's Petra?" I asked Reuben. He pointed to the window where there was a rope probably leading down. She was probably out getting supplies if I had to guess. I sat up from my position. My muscles felt stiff, how long was I out for? Surely it was no more than a day right?

Suddenly the rope moved. I drew my attention to it. I tried to stand up but, I couldn't move my legs for some reason. Reuben walked over to the rope and started to waggle his tail. Was it Petra?

Soon I saw the orange hair girl I knew. She immediately dropped her thing and threw her arms around me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"How long was I out?" I asked. "Almost a week" Petra replied. My eyes widened, a week? "It was as if your body had been overworked, so I brought you here to rest" She said. "How far are we from Diamond city?" I asked. "Not to far, it's about a ten minute walk from here" She replied with a smile.

"Are you hungry?" She asked. "Straving" I replied. "Here it's not much but, it's something" She said. It was a energy bar. "Have you ate anything?" I asked first. "I had something earlier, don't worry" She said. With that in mind I gladly took the energy bar. "You think you'll be able to walk tomorrow?" She asked. "I still feel a little stiff but, I should be able to...this is probably from being asleep for 300 years" I said. "Being frozen for that long may do that to you" Petra said under her breath.

After I ate the energy bar, Petra told me about Valentine, he was a detective in Diamond city. It seemed like her and Valentine were pretty close friends. She sometimes partners up with him to track down a miss person. It turn out that she met him because Valentine knew Reuben. "However, he doesn't take any guests til the evening so, we'll be able to look around diamond city for a little while. " she told me. I nodded and yawned at the same time. It was dark outside.

"We should probably get some rest" Petra told me. "Where have you been sleeping" I asked while praying she wasn't going to say the floor. "The floor" she said with a smile..."don't worry you get use to it after awhile" she said. "Petra-" she shh me and forced me to lay down. "Petra" I said before she got up. "What is it?" She said. "Can you come... closer for a little while?" I asked. I think she understood what I was trying to say. "Yeah..." She blushed. She laid down next to me. I felt my heart beating fast for a couple of seconds before it started to calm. "Petra" I said one more time. She looked straight into my eyes. "Thanks" I smiled. She smiled too and got closer to me while Reuben laid down by are feet.

The streets seemed pretty clean for a wasteland. "You doing ok?" Petra asked me. "Yeah" I reassured her. "Ok, just tell me if you need a break" she said to me. I must have really scared her when I grew unconscious. She wasn't showing this much concern for me before.

Soon we came up to a big gate with two guards at the front. They were wearing some weird armor...wait a second..."Hey Petra?" I asked. "Yeah" she responded. "Is diamond city in a football stadium?" I asked. "Wow, the old man wasn't lying" She said. "Say what?" I asked. "There's this guy who keeps calling this place a football stadium, no really believes him but, I guess he was telling the truth" She told me.

We came up to the front door only to see it was blocked off. Petra walked over to a speaker from the looks of it and pressed the button. "...Gary...open the door this instant or I'm going to nuke the place with a fat boy!!!" She yelled. The button turned green and the gate started to open. "What's a fat boy?" I asked. "The gun that is literally death itself" She said in a calm and chill way. A normal person would probably call her a mad man but, I don't think theirs any normal people in this world anymore.

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