Reunions Part 1

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Edward's POV
"I'll take another one" I huffed. The bartender handed me another glass of beer. Suddenly, a girl, boy, and dog walked into the bar and inn place. They looked like they had been to the glowing sea and back.

"Hmmmm" I wondered. There guns weren't that bad...I wonder...

The girl came up to Vadim. "Ah! Petra my good friend! You are back! And I see you have a new friend!" He remarked. Petra? As in the lone survivor Petra!?! No way! The legend of the wasteland was standing a few feet in front of me. The dog whimpered as his stomach growled. "You don't happen to have any dog food do you?" The boy asked Vadim. "As a matter a fact I do! Since both of you look tired out of your mind, I give it to you for free!" Vadim said in his perfect accent voice.

"Maybe you could also slide us in a decent meal?" Petra asked. "You and your points...all right! I wipe something up for you two!" He said as he headed on back after handing over the dog food. Petra and the boy sat down on a couch while the dog ate some of the dog food....this could be my chance.

Jesse's POV
I was pooped, I stinked, and I was starving. Petra of course felt the exact same way. We had helped Paladin Danse get the transmitter...and by help I mean we did most of the work. After the end of the mission, Paladin Danse offered a spot in the brotherhood for me. Of course I said no...

Petra's face went pale when he asked that. I'll never forget how tightly she held my hand at that moment. I didn't have to think about it for a second, I said no almost as fast as he finished.

"Jesse?" Petra asked. I looked at her. "You could have said yes if you wanted too...The brotherhood probably could have helped you find your sister" Petra said in guilt. "Petra, your helping me find her...we started this thing together and that's how I want it to stay" I smiled. She smiled at me, immediately pushing that guilt away. She laid her head on my shoulder why I laid my head against hers.

"Excuse me?" I heard. I opened my eyes to see a...ghoul? Petra looked closely at the guy. "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" Petra asked. "No this is the first time we've met....You two look perfect for the job" he said. "Job?" Petra and I both questioned at the same time. "I work for this guy... and were currently looking for two new members." He explained. "What job?" Petra asked. "A simple one, nothing to do with synths I promise you. Doing a few errands and that type of job" he explained. Petra and I both looked at him with a question look. "My name is Edward and if you change you mind about it, met me at the dock and head north to find a white building" Edward finished as he walked off and outside to Diamond city.

"I don't trust him" Petra said. I nodded in agreement, he was obviously hiding something. Suddenly, Vadim came over to us and sat down a plate of spaghetti. It was a big plate, definitely a meal for two....maybe three. "Thanks Vadim" Petra said with a smile. "Of course! Anything for my savior! Now eat!" Vadim finished in his Italian accent. "Savior?" I asked. "He tried to help out his brother Travis and he ended up being kidnapped by a bunch of Raiders" Petra explained.

Petra and I didn't wait to eat. We immediately dug into are spaghetti like how Reuben was digging into his dog food. It was really good! Probably one of the most delicious meals that I've had in a while. Petra and I definitely felt better after the meal. I looked at my pip-boy to see it was getting late. Petra looked like she was about to fall asleep. "You want to rent a inn room?" I asked. "Yeah, that *yawn* sounds good" she said with a smile.

After paying ten caps, we went into the inn room to get some sleep. Reuben jumped up at the end of the bed and immediately dozed off. Petra and I climbed into the bed shortly after Reuben. We faced each other, not knowing what to say. Last time, we had to sleep in the same bed however, we had no problems. Now that we're a thing I didn't know if I should hold her or let her lay her head on my chest...I wish I asked my mother for dating tips...

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