Unlikely Valentine

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Hey Jetra fans!
Before you start the chapter, for me the Last part of chapter before this glitched out and it wasn't there. I fixed it luckily. All that happened was the music stopped and they stopped dancing. I also said sorry for being gone for so, long. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Jesse's POV

"What's in Good neighbor?" I asked. Petra and I where out of diamond city and off to the subway. Reuben kept going on ahead to see if there was any raiders. "Good neighbor has everything a wanderer could ask for. There's guns, supplies, bars, hotels, homes and many other things. Sometimes people go there to hire someone for a job." She told me. "Sounds like you have to be tough to stay there" I replied. "You could say that, I know three people who are pretty nice there and normally stay away from the trouble" She said.

Petra knew a lot about the wasteland. I could tell why people called her the lone wanderer. I wonder how she learned all these things so quickly?

Soon we came to this open area that had a rusty old looking park in the middle with the entrance to the subway on the other side. Suddenly Petra came to a stop. "What-" "Shhh" she intrupped. Everything was quiet. Petra backed up and stood beside me. "You see that Swain in the middle of the lake?" She said in a low tone while pointing. I looked closely to see a plastic Swain. "Yeah" I said. "That's a behemoth" She said.

She then got out a...what the heck is that? "Are they strong?" I asked. "Very, they can sometimes out power a deathclaw" She said.

Petra ready her giant gun with a tiny fat rocket in it and aimed it that the beast head (from what it looked like). She fired and grabbed my hand and took me behind the house. Reuben covered his ears immediately. "Cover your ears" she said. I did as told. Then all of a sudden there was a giant explosion! It was so loud that I think it was a equal match with the atomic bomb!

Soon the noise stopped and I was able to unplug my ears. I looked where the beast was once sleeping to only see fire, holes, no water, and the grass was gone. "What in the name of notch was that?" I asked Petra. "My sweet darling Fat Boy" she said with a smile. I starred at the deadly gun in her hands. Something about it made me feel uneasy.

After the fire cleared, we started to head to the main entrance of the subway. Once we got near the door, we could hear voices from the other side. I got out my pistol while Petra got out her handgun...ok seriously where does she get all of these weapons? We opened the door as quietly as possible. Once inside we hid next to a wall. On the other side their where five guys, talking about valentine if I had to guess.

"The man is locked up right?" One of them asked. "Yes, that old synth won't be getting out anytime soon" the other said. I looked at Petra, I wanted to ask what a synth was but, I decided not to.

Suddenly there was a large noise that caused the five men to head down deeper into the subway. I though this could be the perfect time to ask Petra what a synth was. "What's a synth?" I asked. "Horrible robots that do the institute's dirty work. Valentine is a prototype but, he isn't like the other synth's. You see, some synths are good while some work for the institute. This place called the Railroad helps free those nice synths" Petra explained. "I think I got it" I said both confused but understandable at the same time.

We headed deeper into the the subway until my eyes caught something that scared the living daylights out of me..........it was a vault.....it had the number 114 on it.

I stared at the massive door...the last time I went into a vault, I lost everything. My sister....my mom...my home...

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked beside me to see Petra giving me a concerned look. "Everything is going to be fine, I promise" She reassured me. I nodded as we started to head to the console area to open the door. Reuben standed on the platform next to the door. I plugged the pit boy into the console. The big red button lit up. Petra pressed it as the door started to open. It made the same noise that sounded so familiar. As the door opened in front of us, Petra grabbed my hand and held it tight.

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