Reunions part 2

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Jesse's POV
"I also know where your sister is". My eyes widened, "Where is she!?!" I yelled, the speaker didn't respond. Valentine went ahead of Petra and I and started to shoot the robots he must have heard.

Petra and I followed in pursuit of Valentine. Once we climbed up the stairs, we saw what he had killed, Synths. Petra kneeled down near one of the Synths and looked at it's neck. There was a number printed on it. "These aren't knock offs... they were made in the Institute" She explained.

Valentine came up to us, "There's another floor, follow me". Petra, Reuben who had finally decided to join us, and I followed Valentine into another room next door. It had an elevator in the corner.

It was a tight squeeze, but we all managed to fit in it. We waited for a few seconds before the door opened again.

Suddenly, Kellogg's voice came back on, "Alright I get it, your mad... and you want answers. You won't find them here, I suggest you turn around and walk away" Kellogg growled.

We didn't turn back, we kept going. We cleared through a few synths before finally we reached a room that had an American flag and carpet in it. Straight ahead was a door, but it was locked.

"You made it... alright fine Jesse... we can talk. My synths are standing down and so am I. Come inside." Kellogg invited as the door in front of us opened. We entered into a dark room.

Suddenly the lights flickered on revealing Kellogg and a few synths. The room was full of computers and paper that was covering the floor. Kellogg walked up to me and I walked up to him. "Long time no see, Jesse. I remember seeing you in that pod."

I growled, "Where's my sister?!" I demanded. "Your sister is alive and well, but she isn't here with me. She's in the institute." Kellogg explained.

"How do I get in the Institute? Can you take us there?" I asked a little more calm. "Even if I could I wouldn't take you there... trust me, your better off forgetting your sister even existed" Kellogg told me.

"I'm not giving up on her, now tell me, is there any other way in?" I asked. "Yes, but there's no way you'll find the technology in this wasteland...maybe the brotherhood might help" Kellogg smirked towards Petra. She growled a little.

"This has been a nice chat Jesse, but I'm afraid we have to cut it short. Maybe in another life we could have teamed up" Kellogg grinned.

Suddenly the synths aimed their guns at us. We all quickly took cover behind some of the desks as they started shooting at us. Kellogg used... he went invisible??

Petra grabbed her pistol and started shooting at the synths. I grabbed mine and also started shooting. I took two out while Petra got three. She stilled had her gun out looking in each direction. I looked as well... wondering where Kellogg was.

After a few minutes Petra spoke, "There's no way a stealth boy could last that long. He must have got-" *BANG*

"PETRA!" I yelled as she was shot in the shoulder. Quickly I caught her before she could hit the ground. Reuben started to whimper. She clutched her teeth in pain as she had her hand over where she was hit.

"Your right Petra, a stealth boy wouldn't have last that long... unless you have the ones made in the Institute" Kellogg laughed. I growled at his voice. I laid Petra against the desk and placed my hand on her cheek. "Hang in there" I told her as she placed her hand on mine. Sadly I had to take my hand off and towards my gun. I stood up and spotted Kellogg, he quickly used another stealth boy.

I took the shot right as he did. I heard him make a yelp before he fell to the ground... I had got him. Valentine ran over to Kellogg and placed his hand on his neck. "He's dead".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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