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Jesse's POV
I opened the door to see a room with a hole in it. Inside was power armour that a mingun? "Hey Petra do you have one of these?" I asked. She didn't responed. "Petra?" I said as I looked at her only to see her drooling. "Come to mama!!" Petra yelled as she ran over to it like nothing else mattered.

I rolled my eyes while having a smile on my face. I then went over to the power armour to see the side arm was damaged. "Ummmm, Petra what happens if your fighting a deathclaw and the left side arm is exposed?" I asked. "The deathclaw will rip it off in seconds" She said still starring at her new toy.

"Oh....that's lovely...just LOVELY!!!" I yelled. Reuben looked at me like I was crazy. "Reuben, can you find a wrench or something?" I asked. He barked as he started to look around. It was probably three seconds later before he brought one to me. "Thanks bud" I said as I pet him. "You can fix power armour?" Petra asked. "My dad taught me how, that's probably the only thing he taught me" I said the last part under my breathe.
"I hear a backstory coming on"
I then felt Petra put her hand on my shoulder. "Something happen between you and your father, right" She asked. "The last thing I did was yell at him" I said as I sat down. Petra sat down beside me giving me a 'am all ears' look.
"My father was in the army, he was always leaving. He never called...the only time he would call would be when he was coming home. My mom always told me I had to be the man of the house. One day he was leaving again. We both had a arguement, lucy was just born and he was going to leave her. If I had know that was the last time I would speak to him, I wouldn't have said the things I said"
"It's fine..."
"............I wasn't always called Petra the lone wanderer, I had my family. One day my father shot my mother right in front of me. Reuben saved my life, thank notch he was there. After that I told myself that I couldn't trust this day there's only a few people I trust"
She looked at me. I never noticed til now how pretty her eyes are. "Petra...I will never, ever do that...even in a million years and more I wouldn't" I said with a smile. She smiled at me. We starred at each other for a couple of seconds before I realized we were both starting to lean in.

Our lips were almost touching but we pulled away by the sound of a deathclaw roar. Reuben growled, it was getting closer. "So what's the plan?" I asked still blushing a little bit. "Ok, you get in the power armour and keep it distracted while I shoot it with this" Petra said grabbing the mingun. "Ok, sounds like a plan!" I said. Petra handed me the fusion core. I got up and put it in the power armour. It was working!! I looked at the arm, their was no time to fix it! I had to be careful.

I enter inside as the back closed behind me. "Wow, I feel tall in this thing" I said. "Jesse not the time!" Petra said. I nodded as I jumpped from the roof and landed softly on the ground. The deathclaw came running at me.

Petra started to fire like crazy. She was making her way slowly down by jumping down to holes in the building. Reuben was right next to me all ready. The deathclaw charged at me. Before I had time to reacted. It pinned me down and roared in my face. Man this thing was scary. I pushed it of giving Petra a good shot. That's when I had a plan. "Petra! Throw me down your sword!" I said. I didn't have to yell because this thimg made it sound like I was. She did wjat I asked and I grabbed it. "Come at me you stupid lizard!" I yelled. The deathclaw roared at me and charged again. When it pinned me down again I stabbed the deatgclaw right in the heart. It roared in pain as blood came out. Soon it stopped and fell over nexted to me. I got up and out of the stinky power armour...what it stinks in their. Petra came down and we both hugged.

"Am never going to fight another of those things again" I said. Petra laughed, "never say never" she said as we started to head back inside. Preston and the other's were already down stairs. "Wow, just wow. Nice job taking care of the deathclaw" Preston said. "Preston, can we go now!" Jack yelled. "Yes, but first...." he started. "Another settlement is in danger, Petra can you go take care of it for me" Preston asked. Petra slapped Preston. "ANOTHER SETTLEMENT!!! IT'S SETTLEMENT AFTER SETTLEMENT WITH YOU!!!!" Petra yelled. Ok their was a back story here.

"OK!! Forget I said anything" he said. "At least come with us to sanctury" Jack said.

At sanctury

We followed the group back to sanctury just in case they ran into trouble. Axel was in charge for finding a house to stay in while Olivia and Jack check the area. I saw my house was still together.

I went inside to see everything was there just it was covered in dust and rust. I sighed, this was my home. Soon Petra came inside. "Wow, nice digs. This place is actually the best small house I've ever seen" She said. I chuckled, this house had seen better day.

I went down the hallway to see my mother's room and lucy's room. Her crib was still together. I smiled at that sight. I then yawned, "Petra what time is it?" I asked. "You have a pip-boy you know" she said while petting Reuben. "Oh, right toally forgot I had this" I said as I looked at it. 1:30PM!!!!! Good notch!!! "How do you forget about a giant thing on your arm?!" Petra stated.

"So, where are we going nexted?" I asked. "I guess diamond city, I know a guy there that can help us" Petra said. "How far is diamond city?" I asked. "Well Jesse.." Petra said as she came over to me and started pressing buttons. Soon my pip-boy brough up a map of the entire commonwealth. "Wow" I said. "Now we are here" Petra pointed at a green triangle. "And diamond city is all the way.............
........give it a" she pointed. My mouth had dropped, that's so far!!!!! "Any chance a we can take a subway?!" I said. "Oh sweet little Jesse...those things stopped working ages ago!" Petra said with a smile on her face. "Great just great............."

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