1: Hallway

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Percy and Annabeth in high school, no demigod stuff and all that. Yep. Is this kind of thing called AU?? I'm clueless.

Annabeth walked down the empty hallway, bag swinging from her shoulders. It was heavy, but Annabeth didn't mind. Her bag were mostly filled with books, after all. She couldn't wait to get home and finish her latest read, then call Piper and listen to her fangirl for an hour. After she finished her homework, of course. Ugh. School was bad enough, without bringing some of it home as well.

Most people thought Annabeth was a classic nerd-type girl. Smart, teachers pet, adores school. Not.

Annabeth hated the way school was so repetitive and how the teachers could be so pointlessly mean. The only thing she actually enjoyed was the architecture class she had signed up for after school. Well that, and Percy, of course.

Percy Jackson, captain of the school swimming team and Annabeth's boyfriend, was just about the only thing in school that made her laugh. Percy was never short of a joke or smile. She loved the way he could make her laugh, even when she had had the worst day in the history of worst days. Percy could always be counted on for a shoulder to cry on, a joke to cheer her up, or just to be there for her.

Annabeth was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice someone sneak up behind her and put his hands in her hoodie pockets.

"Thinking about me?"

Annabeth jumped about a foot in the air.

"Percy! Gods, don't do that! You scared the hell out of me!"

Percy smirked, leaned forwards and planted a kiss on Annabeth's neck. She blushed and tried to wriggle out of Percy's backwards hug.

"We're in school, Seaweed Brain!" she exclaimed.

"Alright, alright. But that means you're coming over. Right now,"

"Percy, I have architecture class. In, like, five minutes," Annabeth said glancing at her watch.

"Aww, come on! Please? You can skip architecture for once. Those dusty old buildings aren't going anywhere," Percy gave his best pleading face. It was amazing how fast he had gone from tease-Annabeth mode to im-a-baby-seal mode.

"Fine. But you have to let me read. For at least half an hour," Annabeth said firmly.

"Ok, deal. I can kiss you just as well while you're reading," Percy replied with that aggravating smirk on his face again.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, but she couldn't stop the red that tinged her cheeks or the tiny smile that forced its way onto her face at the pleasing prospect of kissing Percy.

She slipped her hand into his.

"Well? Are we going or not?"

Percy grinned and squeezed her hand.

"Sure thing, Wise Girl."

Wells, there's my daily dose of Percabeth! Hope you enjoyed and please comment/vote or just keep reading! Honestly I'd be happy if I just had one reader/comment or something.
See ya!
- Dreamchaser

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