10: Julia

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Hello everyone! I know I'm supposed to update on Tuesday, but it has been a CRAZY BUSY WEEK, LIKE THREE-TESTS-PROJECTS-DELAYED-HOMEWORK kinda busy. (sorry!) I finally have some free time today, so hey, might as well update.

So, do y'all remember Julia?? In lost hero, there was that little girl, who gives terminus a HAND with stuff (AHAHGHASH I'M SO PUNNY AHAHDFHA ok yup bye i'll shut up now) She is a legacy of some unknown god and helps terminus take percy's sword. http://riordan.wikia.com/wiki/Julia ← more info on her there. Anyway this one-shot is about her, 10 years later, (she was 6 when she met percy, and he was 16? 17? So now julia is 16 and percy is around 26). Yup. Anyways enjoy and there is important stuff in the A/N at the bottom so read it if you can be bothered.




A familiar voice that I hadn't heard in years echoed across the valley. I paused, and turned around.

"Terminus?" I called tentatively.

The marble statues that were arranged in a line across the grass issued no reply. Was I imagining things? I hadn't heard from her old... well, not exactly employer... in years. When I was little, I used to work for Terminus, the border god who protected New Rome. I used to help him collect weapons (and point) because he didn't have any arms. However, when I was ten, my parents had requested for me to stop working for Terminus because it was interfering with my studies.

"Terminus? I called again.

"Julia!" A statue near me suddenly sprang to life. "Well, well, if it isn't my favourite assistant. My, you've grown! But really, I cannot approve of that hairstyle!"

I laughed, touching my short, cropped blond hair. "Morning, Terminus. You prefer my pigtails?"

"Indeed I do. So, my dear, where have you been? I haven't seen you in positively ages!"

I grinned, the same impish smile as ten years ago.

"Oh, around and about. Nothing special."

"Is that so? Well, why didn't you come back and help me then?" Terminus raised his eyebrows, causing me to wince inwardly. So he was still upset about me not helping him anymore.

"But you already have a replacement, I see." I glanced toward the little curly haired girl sitting cross legged on the grass, carefully cutting up a piece of paper. "And anyway, I've gotten another job, which in fact I'm supposed to be heading to right now-" I glanced at my watch and slapped my forehead.

"Um-" I said, taking a step back. "I'm kinda late, actually, so um, bye!"

I began jogging across the grass, turning awkwardly to wave to Terminus, who was looking vaguely confused about what had just happened. I sped up and began full out sprinting towards the city. Weaving through the crowds as quickly as possible, I earned more than a few 'watch its' and 'heys' from people I bumped into.
Calling out apologies as I stumbled towards the unassuming apartment block in the distance, I mentally cursed myself for my stupid, stupid irresponsibility and laziness. If had woken up five minutes earlier- but nope, I had to stay up late watching Camp Jupiter's battle games from my bedroom window. Finally, I burst through the lobby doors and made for the stairs.

As soon as I reached the top floor, I more or less collapsed against the wall, panting like a dog and trying not to pass out. Clearly running wasn't my thing.

The tall blonde haired woman waiting outside the door looked up.

"Hi, Julia," Annabeth said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Hey- Annabeth- sorry I'm- late- ugh," I panted.

She laughed and stood up, slinging her handbag over her shoulder.

"Silena! Mommy's leaving. Julia's here to take care of you, okay?"

A patter of footsteps was heard as a little girl hurtled out of the apartment and flung her arms around her mother.

"Bye, mommy!" she exclaimed, her voice muffled by Annabeth's dress.

She let go and ran straight at me.

"Ju! Can we play princesses? Please? Please?" Silena grabbed onto me and squeezed me tightly. Like, really, really, tightly. Boy, this girl has some grip.

"Sure," I coughed.

Annabeth looked like she was trying not to laugh. She walked towards the lift, raising a hand in farewell.

"Enjoy your date night!" I called. "And tell Percy I said hi!"

"I will. You two have fun, okay?"

I gave Annabeth a mock salute, Silena waving enthusiastically while clutching my hand tightly. I had been babysitting her for nearly two years now. Silena was six, the same age as I was when I met Percy. I didn't remember much from my pigtail days, but I could easily recall that time. He didn't want to give up his pen, and even then, he had the look of a hero.

I didn't completely understand what had happened those few weeks, but I did remember watching, fascinated, as Lupa and her pack defended the camps borders from the grotesque creatures that were attacking the city. I gazed, scared but fascinated, at the clash of claws and spines and teeth, until my mother dragged me away from the window, and took me along with everyone else in the building down into the basement, where the battle cries and wild screams were muted by the thick walls. I hated it- not being able to know what was happening. I had stomped off by myself, going as near to the entrance of the basement as my mother allowed and stubbornly stayed there the whole night.

"Ju!" A firm tug on my hand brought me back to reality.

Silena stared up at me, an accusatory look on her face. "I've been calling you for five minutes!"

"Sorry, I was thinking," I replied, following her eager steps towards her apartment door.

"About what?" she asked curiously.

"Well, I was thinking about what happened when I was little. There was an attack on the city, and the legion wasn't here. The wolves that came to protect us."

Silena's eyes were wide. "And then what?"

"Well," I smiled and scooped her up in my arms. "It all started a long time ago..."

Ayeee horrible ending as usual :)))) Anyways, I wanted to explain more about what happened to percabeth...but it kinda ended up being about julia instead. Well. Its pretty obvious what happened anyway. (they got married, did some stuff, a kid happened, etc etc) okes the impt stuff

1) updates: i recently added a bit at the bottom of the first A/N about updates on tuesdays and saturdays, but my schedule is very messed up and inconsistent, so updates will probably be whenever i have time or inspiration. Im really sorry, but sometimes i just don't have time....

2) Medallion. Not sure how many of y'all have read my other story, but I unpublished it because i wasnt writing it and it wasnt really planned properly. I MAY be publishing another, completely different book, but for now its just this.

3) Chapter questions! Yep, from now on im gonna be doing chapter qns, just because no reason. So could you maybe please answer or ill be sad :( so today's question is: *thinks hard* is it usually hot or cold where you live? For me its mostly around 30 degrees (Celsius) all year round, so tropical climate. Yay. Anyways comment your answers (pwease?). I really appreciate it!!

So yep, that's about it. Thanks for reading and don't stop being awesome!

~Dreamchaser 🙃

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