9: Ow

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Hello friends. I actually wrote this a long time ago but didn't finish it so I'm going to now. Also, i have like 100+ reads on this story, which im not sure is a mistake or something, but if it isnt THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING. It really means A LOT to me. However, (and i really dont want to sound mean or selfish or anything) i have 0 comments and 1 vote (my best friend who i literally forced lol) so if you are reading this could you maybe please comment or vote and tell me what you think? Just so i know whether people are reading this. Thank you so much! ❤️❤️


Annabeth glanced briefly around the sports hall. Most of the other teams were already well into the game and were slamming the rubber balls across the nets with all their might. She sighed. Algebra, geometry, she could do, but sports? Nope. Their team was okay, but compared to their opponents, they stood no chance.

The opposing team was almost entirely comprised of jocks and sports players- Piper Mclean, the star of the school track team, Jason Grace, soccer captain, and Leo, who was probably the only one that wasn't really a sports person, but was so tiny and fast that there was no way they could tag him. And of course, there was Percy Jackson.

Captain of the school swimming team, most popular boy in school, and slacker extraordinaire. Oh, and Annabeth's long time crush.

Yep, this was going to be one amazing day.


Annabeth dodged a yellow ball, picked up another, and flung it wildly across the net. Of course, it went wide, sailing over the net and landing harmlessly at the corner of the court.

"Ugh," she muttered.

Dodgeball was the worst sport in the world. There was no strategy, no order to it. Only randomly flinging balls in random directions and hoping that they hit their mark. This annoyed Annabeth, because she was lost when she couldn't plan. If there was no strategy, she couldn't win. Another thing that annoyed her was Percy Jackson. Something else she couldn't plan for.

For some reason, whenever Percy was around, Annabeth found herself blushing and stuttering. She took pride in being unaffected by boys and the attention they gave her. There had been quite a few. (Some of whom Annabeth had judo-flipped.)

Unfortunately her betraying, scheming heart wouldn't listen to her brain. Annabeth still felt attracted to Percy, no matter how she tried to suppress it. She had never even talked to Percy, let alone revealed her true feelings. For all she knew, Percy already had a girlfriend. There was no shortage of volunteers- Percy was the most popular boy in school for a reason.

Another reason why her and Percy could never be together. He was popular, captain of the school swimming team, and Annabeth was just... Annabeth.

Annabeth so was lost in her thoughts, she didn't even realise that all of her team members had gotten knocked out. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a ball came flying out of nowhere, straight in her direction.


The ball hit Annabeth's head with way more force than necessary. She found herself flat on her back, staring up at the gym ceiling.

"Oh my god, Annabeth! I'm so sorry!"

"Annabeth? Are you ok?"

"Hey! What happened, cupcakes?"

Lolol Coach Hedge. Sorry, on with the story.

Voices echoed around her as footsteps pounded nearer and nearer. The last thing Annabeth saw was a pair of beautiful sea green eyes- and then the world faded to black.

***(this line break is called small bob)***

The first thing Annabeth saw when she woke up was white walls and cupboards. The nurse's office. Annabeth blinked, half-blinded by the bright ceiling lights. The memory was fuzzy, but she vaguely remembered something about dodgeball and- oh gods. She had gotten knocked out by a dodgeball- in front of Percy Jackson. This was, incomparably, the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to her in all her sixteen years. Ever.

She groaned and struggled into a sitting position. The room spun and her head throbbed. How could a simple dodgeball do this much damage?

"Hey, hey, hey, relax. You took quite a hit there," a voice said from beside her.

Annabeth jumped. Oh no. NO. It was him. Percy was right next to her, sitting upright in the yellow plastic chair next to the bed. He was smiling crookedly, his emerald eyes fixed on her grey ones.

"Hey, Annabeth."

"What- what are you doing here?" Annabeth stammered out.

"Um," Percy cringed slightly. "I may have possibly thrown that ball at you. I'm really, really sorry, I didn't mean to knock you out- it just kinda happened."

Annabeth blinked. Percy had been the one who threw that ball? That was unexpected.

"Just so you know, my head hurts a damn lot because of you, Jackson," Annabeth muttered, her shyness forgotten for the moment.

"I'm really sorry," Percy hung his head, looking for all the world like a sad, depressed seal. Annabeth couldn't help but smile.

"Don't smile! I'm so sorry! I probably killed half your brain cells, and you'll have a bruise on your forehead by tomorrow!" Percy continued. "See? Right there."

Percy reached out to touch Annabeth's forehead. His fingers brushed along her skin, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. She blushed and looked away. Through her lashes, she could see that he was blushing too. They stayed like that for a while, cheeks red and smiling shyly.

Suddenly, Annabeth broke the silence.

"It's ok."

Aghhh, the FEELS! So CUTE. The ending really sucked though, I don't know how to end stuff properly. I wanted to write more, but it's already wayyyy longer than usually (800 words, people!) so I'm just gonna end it there and leave the future to your iMAgiNatiOn, heh heh. Anyways, thanks for reading and please give me feedback on how to improve and stuff :))) Hope you enjoyed!


P.S so hyped i have no school tmr cos its good friday :D

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