2: For You

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Annabeth drummed her fingers impatiently on the stone surface. Where in the world was Percy? He was usually late, but not this late. Annabeth had been waiting at the foot of the Athena Parthenos for nearly half an hour. Percy had promised to be here at four. Annabeth decided she had to punish him. No kisses for 24 hours. That should teach him a lesson.

Suddenly Annabeth heard footsteps behind her. She whipped around.

"Perseus Jackson! Where were you? You-" Annabeth found herself nose to nose with Thalia.

Thalia had a grin spreading across her face. She smirked.

"You thought I was Kelp Head? Hah!" she sputtered, starting to laugh.

"Why are you laughing? Its not funny! How is that funny?" Annabeth demanded.

Thalia was currently doubled over with laughter. For some reason she was finding Annabeth's mistake hilarious.

(Confession: I don't know why this is funny either. Let's just say Thalia is weird and finds it funny. This really sounded a lot better in my head.)

Annabeth glared as Thalia collapsed dramatically on the ground. Her loud laughter echoed around Annabeth.

"It was a genuine mistake! Stop laughing, Thalia!" Annabeth said furiously, blushing red.

Suddenly a voice said behind her, "Wise Girl! What did you do to Thalia?" Percy was standing right there, grinning, with the audacity not to look even a tiny bit sorry for being half and hour late! Annabeth rounded on Percy.

"Perseus Jackson, you were half an hour late! What on earth were you doing?" Annabeth yelled.

"Sorry! It took really long to find that boo-"

Percy suddenly clapped his hand over his mouth. Annabeth frowned. She finally noticed that Percy had one hand behind his back.

"What's that behind your back, Seaweed Brain?"

"Umm... Nothing! Nothing's behind my back!" Percy shook his head vigorously.

"Uh oh, busted, Kelp Head. Annabeth's way too smart for that," Thalia cut in, then flopped back on the ground and resumed her laughing fit. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Percy, show me!" she demanded.

"Nooooo! Its a surprise!" Percy caved when he saw Annabeth's death glare. "Fine, fine. But you ruined the surprise!" he sighed, pouting.

He removed his hand from behind his back and held out something square and flat towards Annabeth.

"For you."

She took it gingerly, then squealed in a very un-Annabeth-like way.

"Oh. My. Gods! Percy! This is- this is-"

"Architecture of the Athenians. Yep!" Percy finished for her, grinning.

(I know, lame book name but.)

Annabeth stared at the glossy, hardcover book. She had been trying to get this book for years, but she hadn't been able to find it. She had checked every bookstore, every library, but to no avail. This was extremely precious.

Architecture of the Athenians had been written by a famous son of Athena, highlighting the ups and downs of Greek architecture, from the point of view of someone who had actually been there when they were being built. It was only available to demigods, and there were only a few copies in existence.

Annabeth couldn't believe that Percy had managed to get a copy. She flung her arms around him.

"Thanks Seaweed Brain. Sorry for yelling at you," Annabeth whispered in his ear.

"Anything for you, Wise Girl."

Annabeth felt so happy in that moment. Percy cared so much about her. It wasn't the big things that made him special, saving the world and fighting monsters with him. It was the small things, him going out of his way to do something nice for her. Annabeth hugged Percy tighter.

"I love you, Seaweed Brain," she whispered.

Percy opened his mouth to reply.

"Ew, guys! Cut it out! Hunter of Artemis here!" Thalia interrupted, making a face.

Annabeth just smiled.

And there it is! Ugh, Thalia just HAD to interrupt the Percabeth moment. Anyways, the ending seems kind of abrupt and this seems cringey to me but anyways.

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~ Dreamchaser :D

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