4: Meeting

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So do you guys remember when Percy gave Annabeth a coral necklace when they started dating? Of course you do, you are fangirls after all. Sadly very little details were given about this incident soooo this is how I imagined it going.

Percy fiddled with the necklace in his hands. He was getting worried. What if Annabeth didn't show? What if she hated him? What if-?

"Percy! I got your note. What's up?" Annabeth's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Percy sighed with relief.

"Wise Girl!" He smiled.

Annabeth smiled shyly back, then glanced at the sky worriedly.

"What about the harpies? Its after curfew, you know."

"Chill, Annie." Percy said, smiling slyly.

"Don't call me Annie!" Annabeth glared at Percy and smacked his arm, just hard enough for it to hurt.

"Owww!" Percy pretended to collapse in agony.

"Seaweed Brain." Was Annabeth's only response, other than sticking out her tongue.

Percy grinned. This was why he liked Annabeth so much. She was just perfect. He grabbed Annabeth's hand and led her into the forest. It was probably stupid, and dangerous, but Percy didn't care.

"Percy? Why are we walking into a monster-filled forest in the middle of the night?" Annabeth asked.

Annabeth didn't sound nervous, or scared, just mildly annoyed. There she went again. Perfect.

They had now reached quite far inside the woods. Percy could see slivers of moonlight shining through the trees. The moonlight lit up Annabeth's face, making her eyes almost silver. Percy decided it was time. He held out the necklace that had been in his pocket the whole time. It was made of coral that Percy had collected from the seabed. He had spent hours finding the right pieces for it, and the pendant was a beautiful piece of grey rock, polished until it shone by the waves. It was simple, but unique and beautiful, just like Annabeth. Percy just hoped she thought so too.

Annabeth stared at the necklace in Percy's hands for so long he began to get nervous. When Annabeth finally spoke, her voice was barely more than a whisper.

"Is this... Is this for me?" She asked, reaching out to touch the necklace.

"Of course. Do you see any other beautiful girls around?" Percy joked, then immediately cursed himself for opening his big mouth. That had sounded so cliché and cheesy. Percy blamed it on his nerves. Annabeth was still staring at the necklace like she couldn't believe it was real.

"Its amazing, Percy. I can't believe you made this for me." She said, finally taking the necklace from Percy.  "Help me put it on?"

Percy was sure he was grinning like an idiot. Annabeth liked the necklace. She had called it amazing! For a minute Percy had worried if the idea was dorky and overdone, and that Annabeth would smack him and walk off. He took the necklace and tied it around Annabeth's neck.

She looked amazing. It wasn't the necklace. It was her princess curls and silvery- grey eyes and her sarcasm and shyness by turn. It was simply her.

The necklace made her look even better- it didn't stand out or look too flashy, just added to her beauty. Percy cupped his hands around her face. He felt Annabeth's hands around his waist, drawing him closer and closer until their lips met and Percy's heart started going at a million miles an hour. One hand was tangled in Annabeth's hair and the other still on her cheek.

When she finally pulled back, flushed and breathing fast, Percy thought she had never looked more beautiful.

And he had never felt more happy.

Aaaaand that's it! Sorry if it was cringey and awkward. Why do these things ALWAYS sound better in my head? One of the mysteries of the universe. Anyways thanks for reading and comment and vote if you enjoyed it. And tell me why if you didn't. Ok I say that every time so I'm going now. Bye!


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