12: Let it Snow!

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Hey everyone! Im at guitar rehearsal now... Hiding backstage and being quiet. Its kinda boring cos nothing is happening so here i am producing a chapter :p But anyways im SO SORRY for that little rant in the previous chapter. I think the medicine was making me high or something lmao. Anyways, i was saving this for christmas but... I cant wait so here it is!


"Annabeth!" A voice called from outside.

She turned over and buried herself under the blanket. It was way too early to be up and about- she finally had a chance to sleep in and she wasn't giving it up. Unfortunately the voice outside didn't seem to agree.

"Annabeth! Wise Girl!"

Ah. So it was Percy trying to interrupt her precious sleep. He would get what was coming to him, as soon as-

"Annabeth!" The blanket was ripped off her and Percy's green eyes came into focus, sparkling with excitement.

"Go away," she mumbled, shivering. "And give me back my blanket."

Why was it so cold?

"Annabeth, wake up! It's snowing!"

"What?" Annabeth sat up. It hadn't snowed at camp for ages.
"Seriously?" she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Yeah seriously," Percy said, jumping up and down impatiently. "Now hurry up and get dressed!"

Annabeth grinned. "Well, get out then!"

Percy disappeared out of the door, pulling up the fur-lined hood of his parka. Annabeth jumped out bed. Minutes later she was adjusting a grey beanie on her head and wrapping a scarf around her neck. She threw open the door, the cold hitting her like a sledgehammer.

Annabeth stepped down into the snow, her boots crunching on the white surface. She loved snow. There were so many good memories she associated with it. With Thalia, Luke, her dad before she had run away. She smiled unconciously, breath steaming in the freezing air.

Suddenly, a lump of snow hit her squarely on the back. Annabeth gasped, the cold snow dripping down her neck.

"Ow!" Annabeth whipped around. "Percy!"

Her evil boyfriend was standing a little way off, doubled over in laughter.

"Oh, you're asking for it, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth sprinted towards Percy and jumped on him, sending them both toppling into the snow.

Annabeth found herself sprawled on top of Percy, who had snow in his hair and was grinning slyly. She leaned forward, so that their noses just touched. She smiled and moved closer.

Their lips met, heat spreading through her. Percy tasted like snow, clean and fresh.

"Ew, guys! There are kids, y'know!" A voice called out.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, getting off Percy.

Leo was standing there, Hazel close behind him, cheeks pink from the cold.

"Hey, Hazel." Annabeth went to hug her friend.

Hazel smiled and hugged her back. Apparently she and Frank were over at Camp Half-Blood for Christmas. Annabeth slung an arm around Hazel's shoulders.

"Since we have an equal number... And I need to get revenge on someone..." Annabeth smiled evilly at Percy, who gulped. "SNOWBALL FIGHT! Girls versus boys!"


Hours later, they were all sprawled in Percy's cabin. Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Calypso. Even Nico was there, asleep on Will's shoulder. Annabeth smiled. They had all done so many fun things that day.

The snowball fight, which had turned out into a full-out snowball war once the Ares cabin had got involved. Skating on the frozen lake (Percy was very distressed that the fishies were stuck under the ice). The most delicious Christmas dinner she had ever tasted, with the whole camp sitting wherever they wanted.

And now, just relaxing with a cup of hot chocolate, leaning on Percy's shoulder as he stacked up blue cookies on a plate, eating a few along the way. If she closed her eyes, she could almost imagine that they were normal, mortal. No monsters, no gods, no crazy quests. Just her, Percy and their friends...

Annabeth began to drift off, the warm air and quiet atmosphere lulling her to sleep. Percy was an oddly comfortable chair too. She closed her eyes. Suddenly Percy moved beside her and his breath fanned her ear.

"Merry Christmas, Wise Girl."


Aaand... Cut!! Fabulous acting today guys, good job!! *applause and deranged hoots* Lmao k. I reeeeaaaalllly wanted to save that for Christmas, but since I'm an impatient monkey, there goes my good intentions :)))
anyways, important stuff:

chapter question: new book ideas? I was thinking of writing a new book, since i sort of gave up on Medallion. So, fangirls and fanboys, which one will it be??

a) a continuation of the julia thing. You know that one?? I was thinking of continuing it, like a whole book about her. But although it would be a PERCY JACKSON fanfiction (like based on the pjo universe) it wont actually be about PERCY. More about julia and what stuff she will do.

b) a teen fiction-y, girl meets boy kinda thing. Honestly I'm not SUPER hyped about this one, but i also want to try writing a book that isn't fantasy or fanfiction. (And i have been reading A LOT of teen fiction lately) My idea is kinda meh though, so suggestions are welcome :))

Sooo... Which one? Comment and tell me, please!! I really can't decide. Okay, now for the sad news (for me anyway).

Im going away!!!! To the Arctic!!! With no wifi ever ever ever!!! DUN DUN DUNNNN.

Lmao just kidding. But i am going to pause wattpad for a while... Because i have exams, and i reeeally need to study. Like a LOT. Because *ahem* they're in two weeks and I haven't studied at all. Im SO DEAD.  Anyway ya, so im taking a break from wattpad, and ill be back with around 11? 12? May with (maybe) a new book! Yay!!! So do comment and tell me your thoughts. Thank you!!!!!!

~Dreamchaser (of good marks and 7 points)

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