8: Sandcastles and Seashells

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Er. Idk what to say. Just a short one cos i was feeling guilty. OH RIGHT YES go check out Liv8344 's story, (I Was Supposed To Be Gone When You Got Here)!! It's really great so GO READ AND COMMENT AND VOTE!! It's a cool book and deserves lots of votes and reads!😄 Now, on to the very rare and occasional appearance of this thing called an update!


The little girl frowned in concentration, green eyes narrowed. Her tiny hands carefully shaped the mound of sand piled in front of her. Gradually, the sand began to take the shape of an incredibly elaborate sandcastle, complete with turrets, battlements and a moat.

The beach around her was dotted with teenagers chatting and laughing on picnic mats. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the white sands and turning the little girl's hair into a halo of golden curls.

Adding the final touches to the castle, she sat back on her heels and admired her work, a gap toothed smile splitting her face. She stood up, shook her hair out of her face and trotted down to the water's edge. Bending over, she scooped up a handful of water in her cupped hands. However, instead of trickling out between her fingers, the water retained its shape, suspended above her hands in a sphere of sapphire liquid. As she turned to go back to her sandcastle, a particularly big wave slapped the shore, washing up a pretty pink seashell patterned with swirls and whorls of pearl. The little girl laughed delightedly. Carefully transferring her hold on the sphere of water to one hand, she bent carefully and picked up the shell.

"Daddy, look what I found!" she exclaimed, tottering back to her sandcastle.

A black haired man, with eyes identical to the girl's, sitting nearby looked up at her cry. Smiling, he headed down the beach where the girl was carefully trickling the water into the moat around the castle. He watched with incomparable pride as she picked up the shell and carefully placed it on top of her castle.

"That's really good, Silena," he said, ruffling her hair. She grinned up at him in reply.

Suddenly he scooped up the little girl, making her squeal with fear and delight. Flipping her over his shoulder, he walked over to the picnic mat where he was sitting as she giggled uncontrollably. The blonde woman who was sitting there looked up from her book and smiled. The man dropped the little girl on the woman's lap before sitting down next to them, wrapping his arm around the woman's shoulder.

And they had finally gotten their happy ending.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh percababies hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- ok stop im ok im ok deep breath ah ok im good.

Lol. Fangirling over my own story. But Percababies are SO CUTE AGH. The ending is lame, but whatever. And I knowww calling their kid Silena is cliche, but it makes sense!!! Anyways, comment and tell me what you think! And don't forget to read Liv8344 's story! Thanks for reading!

~Dreamchaser 😉

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