Adventure with a New Friend (mMMM)

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After Chase left, Shrek almost felt bad-- Almost.

Shrek heard loud noises outside of his house hours after Chase left. He peeked outside and seen a bunch of fairy tale creatures, including three pigs, a lil wooden boy, a really hot donkey, and a trangendered fairy. Shrek put on his Peter Pan hat and whispered to himself "O HELL NAW."

Shrek sliped on his crocs--busted the door open-- and screamed as loud as he could "GET OUT OF ME SWAMP!!!"
The lil wooden boy said "B-B-BUT-"
"nO WOODY BUTS" Shrek yelled
The transgendered fairy threw a scroll at Shrek's round ass head and said "Take it, you sexy green beast!"
Shrek opened the scroll and stared at them with a salty look. The scroll revealed that the fairy tale creatures were moving into his beautiful and quiet swamp. He couldn't let that shit happen so he decided to take it up with Farquad, seeing as he's the one who approved the scroll. "I'm going to get my swamp back!" Shrek said as he pushed them fairy tale bois out of the way. As soon as he got away from the swamp, he felt something up his ass,
"What the?—" he pulled it out and it was that sexy donkey.
The donkey looked up and started begging to go with Shrek on his adventure. Shrek kept saying no but that sexy donkey wouldn't take no for an answer. Shrek couldn't resist that donkey anymore and let him go with him.

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