O shit

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sOrry we haven't been updating lately-- we're a bunch of lazy fucks who lack motivation.

Shrek and Donkey did the walky walk all the wae to the Dragoon's castle where that butch lesbian lookin' ass princess was. There was this big ass bridge that they haded to crossed, Shek used his magical daddy powers to picked up the donkay and fly over the bridge. They wondered why they walked all this way if they couldve just used shek's majicaal daddi powers to fly. They didnt realy care cuz they were already there.

Sheky shek used his super saiyan powers and kami hami ha'd the shit out of the ugly ass dragon. The dragoon vwas ded,, yey. Fiona was in love vwith shek fora saving her,, but shel did not liek him bacc,, for she vwas not thicc enough. Donkay was dabbing in the background and Fetusiona said,, "Shrek,, i luvs yew"

Shrek responded "I no luv jew,, jew look like sum butch lasbiano mofo,,, fucc you nigga, jew no thicc enough for meh."

"B..b..but-" Fetusa started but Shrimpk inturepteded,


Fetusa cryd. Shreg tooked his big hot hot ogre daddy hand and grabbed her,, then used his other hot hot daddi hand to grabbed the DONKAAY. He used his hot hot daddy powers to flyed away to lord fagwaded's castle...

Little did they knew'd,, that dragoon vwas noot ded,,, her thighs hadded saveded her-- cuz thicc thighs save lives.....

~This was the part literally no one wanted to write,, hope ya lil fucks appreciate me doing this for ya.~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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