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Collins POV
"Based off of the test results Devan has an inflammatory bowel disease, also known as IBD. Usually it is easy to take care of but Devan... err... um how do I say this? Is not doing well. We're going to have to prescribe him with a very heavy duty medicine with some brutal side effects.
What? No. This can't be happening. Sure Devan did look pretty sick, but a disease? There must've been a mistake. There had to of been. Soon I'm overwhelmed with all the thoughts and I start to hyperventilate.

Anne POV
A whimper escapes my throat. Not my baby. My head starts to spin and a weird feeling comes over me. Fear? No guilt. This is my fault. I'm his mother I should've known something- "Anne!" I snap out of my worried haze and meet the eyes of a concerned husband.
"I said your name three times are you ok? I know this is a lot to take in." I manage a nod. I sigh and turn to the doctor but he's gone. Steven, sensing my confusion says, "they said they'll let us know when we can see him as soon as possible."
But I need to see my baby now. Only another mother would understand the urge I have to comfort my son right now. "Mom?" I turn and see Collins with mixed emotions on his face. I see guilt in there as well.

Collins POV
"Mom?" I ask. She meets my gaze and her face answers my question. Devan is in trouble. After many hugs and murmurs of fear, we finally sit down. I mindlessly pull out my deck of cards and start to shuffle them.
What feels like hours later a young woman comes in and says, "Anne and Steven Key? You may see your son now." We all pop up and follow her quickly into his room. We walk inside a bland room smelling slightly of sour cream. I hesitantly look to the bed where Devan is laying. He's very pale and looks extremely fatigued.
Mom turns to me and whispers, " the doctor saws they're leaving it to us to tell him about the disease so don't bring it up. I'd rather tell him at home." I nod slightly.
    Besides the IV and the pale skin Devan doesn't look that bad. He's actually smiling as he scrolls on his phone. "Hey Dev, how are you feeling?"
      He looks up and is smile falters,"are you guys going to tell me what's going on? Cause the doctor won't."
Mom looks at him and then to dad. "Why don't we go home and you can get some rest?"
I perk up. "There letting him come home? Devan that means you can still make your art show!"
My dad cuts in, "I don't think that's a great idea."
All traces of happiness leave Devans face. I feel so bad for him, he was really looking forward to this. My phone buzzes. Are we still on for tomorrow? I don't think going on a date with Regan right now is the best thing to do, but I really like her.
Can I get back to you on that?

~~~time skip~~~

Devans POV
I lay in my bed and check the time. It's 1:00 am. Not only do I feel awful but I know my family is keeping something from me. Am I ok?
I push aside my thoughts and try to go to sleep.
"Dev, come on you need to get up" I hear Collins say. I stuff my face into my pillow still half asleep. "Devan!" Ugh it's not like I have anything today. Well at least not anymore. "Why?" I mumble.
"Dad and mom need to have a talk with you."
"This early in the morning?"
"Well yeah. You'll see why."
I start to get nervous. Why is Collins acting so weird? "What time is it?"
"7:00 in the morning" he says.
I groan and stumble out of bed. I pull on a shirt and start towards the bathroom, but stop in my tracks. Oh no. "Devan, you ok?"

Collins POV
Finally Devan gets up and starts walking towards the bathroom. He stops in the hall. "Devan, you ok?"
Blluk-pllk-kurph. Throw up splatters everywhere coming from Devan's mouth. He hunches over in obvious pain. He throws up again. I manage to jump back just in time.
       After the second bout is done I go to his side and help him to the bathroom. "MOM! DAD!!"
       Devan manages to say, " why is this happening?"
        "You have a disease Devan. A very bad one." I'm shocked as the words leave my mouth. Way to lay it down gently Collins! But when I look at his face there is no trace of shock. Just pain. Maybe he didn't hear me?

Sorry I'm doing such short chapters I'll try to make them longer. Remember comment what you think the meaning of the picture is up above.

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