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Steven POV
            I've been sending email after email and still no one wants to hire me. It's 7:00 am on a Monday morning, usually I would be at work by now.
            I don't know what to do with myself. I get up from the computer and grab som breakfast. Oh crap Anne is out today with some friends, I'm supposed to wake Devan up.
            I run upstairs and open his bedroom door to find him all dressed and ready. "Looks like you're eager to get to school."
          He looks at me and smiles, but I can tell it's forced. "Ya, I couldn't sleep so..." I hand him his pill and he hesitates to grab it. I quirk my eyebrow. Why doesn't he want to take it?
          He finally grabs it and stuffs it in his mouth. "I'll meet you in the car." He nods.

Devans POV
         As soon as he shuts the door I spit it out into the trash. It tastes awful! But that's not why I spit it out.
         I once again cover it up with some tissues. I head down stairs and get in the car. "You good?" My dad asks, "you look pale." I nod and look out the window.
         We don't talk the whole way to school. Once we get there my dad gives me a concerned look. I force a smile and get out of the car.
        He looks like he's hesitant, but he finally drives away. I let go of a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. Why do I feel so guilty?
I shrug it off and head to the courtyard where all my friends are waiting. "Hey Dev! How come you didn't reply to any of my texts?" Kelly asks. I bite my lip. Should I tell them? As I get closer I see that all my friends are there: Kelly, Mason, Cara, Tilly, Parker, and Aiden. "Um, I was busy sorry." I sheepishly reply.
She doesn't look convinced, but she doesn't prod anymore. As I'm about to ask if anyone was excited for the dance, Mason says," man you look awful. Are you ok?"
Well, not really. But the last thing I want is for my friends to be worried about me. "Um, I just haven't been getting much sleep lately."
They all look concerned. Thankfully the bell rings. We say our goodbyes and Aiden and I head to our first period. I have a class with each of my friends, which I usually love. I just hope they don't catch on.

~~~time skip~~~

Finally it's lunch! Classes were so boring. Ms. Reddit wouldn't stop talking about her stupid cat. I don't care about your cat!
I walk to lunch with Cara, who has been glancing at me the whole time. I finally say, "what?"
She looks down. "Dev, I'm worried about you. You look... half dead. Have you been eating I noticed you've lost a lot of weight."
Uh oh. What should I say? I can trust her. "Cara, there's something you should know. I... I have a serious disease called IBD."
She stops in the middle of the hallway. "Devan! Why-"
I put my finger on my lips, noticing people are starting to stare. She lowers her voice, "why didn't you tell me. Does everyone else know?"
I shake my head. I pull her along to the cafeteria. Once we are all at our usual table (somehow we all ended up with the same lunch, I mean what are the odds?) Mason starts to complain about his science teacher.
Everything is going well until Tilly asks, " hey how come you and Cara aren't talking?"
I shrug and look at my untouched sandwich. It doesn't seem so appetizing anymore. I throw it in the trash. I hate to waste food but there's no way I'm going to stomach it.
Cara says, "Devan you should tell them." I shoot her an annoyed glare. "Tell us what?" Aiden asks with a mouthful of cheetos.
Well I kind of have to now. But I can't seem to get the words out. "Cara, you tell them."
"You sure?". I nod.
"Um ok. Guys Dev just got diagnosed with IBD." Well that was straight forward. Everyone gasps. Kelly even whimpers. The next 30 seconds is a bunch of what can we do?s and I'm so sorry. Ugh, I should've just kept it a secret.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I get up, but the world spins. Then I'm falling everything goes black.

Collins POV
I wonder how Devan is doing at school. I hope he lets his friends know about his disease so they can help him through this. My phone rings.
"Hello this was one of the emergency contacts on Devans list. Is this Mr. or mrs. Key"
My heart skips a beat. "No this is his brother. Why what happened is he ok?"

Hey everyone! What's up? So sorry for the cliff hanger. Guess you'll have to wait to find out. Also if you guys have any requests let me know. And let me know what your favorite food is to get featured in the story.

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