Hello Darkness

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Devan's POV
       Moving? No. Just... no. This can't be happening! It will be hard enough to be the new kid, but now with a disease that I know little about.
      Mom says they all knew for quite some time, including Collins. How come he didn't tell me? We're moving on Saturday! Today is Monday.
     Why did they have to tell me last minute? I can't take it anymore. I have to vent to someone. I'm about to go downstairs to talk to Collins but I see him outside my window with Regan.
Is he making a YouTube video without me? This shouldn't bother me, he does it all the time. But it does.
I know why. Because I have a stinking disease and I just figured out I'm moving in a week!
I run to the bathroom and hurl. Mom said it would take a bit for the meds to get into my system. I shudder, not wanting to think about the awful side effects.
I go back to my room and see that my phone is spammed with texts. I realize that I haven't checked my phone today. My friends were probably just wondering why I wasn't at school.
And sure enough I was right. To reassure them I say hey guys sorry I was just not feeling well today. You don't need to worry bout me.
If I don't tell them now I don't think I'll be able to later so I add, you guys should know that I'm moving to Georgia on Saturday. I would've told you sooner but I just figured out. Pls don't freak out, I don't think I can handle any questions rn
Luckily my friends respect my concerns and don't ask any questions, but Mason does say that we needed to talk later. I didn't mind, I expected that.
Everyone texted ^^. I sent a 👌. I turn my phone off and pull out my sketch book. Before I know it all my worries are put on hold.

Collins POV
Honestly I have no idea where I'm going. I just really need to clear my head. I get in my car and start driving to who knows where.
On the road to nowhere I start to get frustrated. Soon angry tears are streaming down my face. This isn't safe, I shouldn't be driving like this.
So I pull over to my favorite ice cream shop. Once I'm inside I quickly order mint ice cream and find a seat. While I'm putting the heavenly creation in my mouth a few girls ask to take a picture with me.
Honestly im not in the mood but I do my best to plaster on a smile and nod.

Devan's POV
After about an hour on drawing I finally give my hand a break. I decide to take a shower. But on my way there I feel a sudden urge to break down.
I fall to the ground and sob. I even scream. My whole world just comes apart on me. I can't take it, I just want to die! The darkness consumes me as I bury my head into my hands.
Let the darkness come. I just want the pain to stop.
So that was interesting. Don't worry hes not actually wanting to die! Any way thank you guys so much for all the support you guys are the best! I know this is a short chapter, so I will update tomorrow if you all remind me in the comments. Tho no promises cause I might forget. Love y'all 😘.

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