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Make sure you read the last chapter it's very likely that you didn't!! I get confused with chapters all the time! If you don't remember anything about blue berry pancakes then you didn't read it!
Most likely
You could just have a bad memory
Jk enjoy

Devan's POV
          Thank goodness I get to skip school! I wouldn't be able to face my friends. I groan has mom places blueberry pancakes in front of me. She knows my weakness! I can't help it, I devour them within seconds.
         Ugh! Not again! My stomach lurches and I run to the bathroom where I puke my guts out. But I don't stop. It keeps coming out until I'm dry heaving.
         My mom runs to my side and helps me up.   She brings me to my bed where I lay down. "Devan? Why is this happening? The medication was supposed to..." she breaks into a cry. She said it more to herself than she did to me.
        All I can do is cry along with her. This is all my fault. We both start to calm down and she takes my hand. "I have to go somewhere with your father. Will you be okay with Collins?
        I nod. With that she kisses my head and leaves. Right on cue Collins walks in. I don't acknowledge his presence. Why do I feel like I'm dying?
Collins POV
        I wake up to throwing up sounds. Uh oh. I pull on a shirt and go to the bathroom. Sure enough there's throw up everywhere. After I clean it up (worst moments of my life) I go into Devan's room. He sees me, but he doesn't say anything.
       His eyes look dead. I stand there awkwardly for a few seconds, then I say, "staying home from school?" Even though I already know the answer.
       He nods slightly. "Wanna do a YouTube video with me today?"
        His eyes fill with life. "Ya! Just let me change first." He gets up and pulls off his shirt. Woah. "Devan! Have you been starving yourself?!"
        He looks down in shame and quickly puts his shirt on. He try's to go down stairs but I direct him to the bathroom. "Get on the scale. Now." I hate to be harsh, but I'm worried about my little bro.
        He hesitates. Finally he steps on and my jaw drops. No im not seeing this right! It reads 82 lbs. 82! 82! That's when I realize what I need to do. Before Devan can say anything I dial my moms phone number. Devan try's to stop me, but I shoo him away.
       "Hello? Is everything okay?"
        "No. Mom Devan...he's... he's 82 pounds! All because he hasn't been taking his pills!" I blurt out. The other end of the phone is silent.
        Then, "we're coming home."
        She hangs up. Devan is going to hate me. I tell myself I did the right thing. Devan needs help. I look in the doorway to see a teary eyed Devan. What have I done?
        "I thought I could trust you," he whispers.
He goes to his room, no doubt locking the door. I knock on his door and get no reply.
        Best to let mom and dad handle it. A tear falls down my cheek. All I can think is is Devan going to die?
Stevens POV
        All I can think to say is "what?" Devan hasn't been taking his pills! He should know that they're there to help him though!
       Anne and I get in the car. And speed towards home. This is not what I need right now. As I'm driving home I nearly hit a car.
I swear, I've been so out of it lately. Luckily we get home safely and find Collins waiting for us in the living room. "Explain." Is all I say. I have failed as a father and I know it.
Collins POV
"Explain." He says. So I do. I tell them all that I know which isn't much. By the end of it I'm crying. I don't know why. Guilt maybe? Yes, guilt. I should've told my parents the second I found out.
My dad pulls me into a hug, while my mom goes upstairs. Dad sits me down on the couch. "Do you think we should tell him that we're moving?"
I'm surprised by this question. Why ask me after I failed to be a brother? I think about for a second. Then I shake my head no. He can't handle it right now.
My dad nods and gets up. I feel awful. How can I help Devan? Then it hits me. I can get him to eat as part of the video. If he throws up I'll just cut it out.
No, that's not right. Is it? Why do I feel so conflicted lately!
Anne's POV
"Honey open up. We need to talk." Finally he opens the door. He doesn't meet my eyes. I go into his room and gesture to sit on his bed.
"I'm just going to say it. I know you're scared of the side effects but this is ridiculous. You need those pills for your own health. For now on I'm going to have to watch you take your pills."
His head shoots up. Worry is etched along his face. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze and open the palm of my hand.
Devans POV
She opens her hand and sure enough there's a pill in it. Before I can change my mind I grab it and shove it in my mouth.
I force myself to swallow. Well no going back now. I guess I just have to trust that this is the right thing for me. My mom smiles and tells me she needs to make a phone call.
Probably to the doctor to tell him that I haven't been taking my pills and that I'm only 82 pounds. I can't believe it. I'm so underweight. If I don't get my weight up soon... no I won't think like that.
But when I put my hand to my stomach and feel a rib I start to break down. I've cried more this past week than I have in my entire life. I wonder if Collins will still let me do his YouTube video with him.

Hey hey hey! I hope you liked the chapter! The next chapter is going to be all about Collins and completely in his point of view. You'll be able to get a better idea on how all of this effects him. Thx so much for your support! I feel like I'm a crap writer. My sister got 2k reads on her first chapter and I got like what 10? Lol any way I try. I hope you all like it! Bye keypers.

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