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Collins POV
We decided that we would go to the movie at 4:00 pm and then grab a quick bite to eat after. It was currently 7:38 am. Devan still doesn't know that he'll be third wheeling. I feel guilty for not telling him.
But if I tell him he won't go and he needs to have some fun. I shrug off the guilt and jump in the shower. After I'm all dressed I realized I haven't asked my parents if Devan can go out tonight. Usually they wouldn't mind but...
I go to my parents room and knock on the door. "Come in!" My mom says harshly. Uh oh she was in a bad mood. I walk in to find my parents with a worried expression on both of their faces. "What is it?" I ask. My mom sighs, "your father lost his job." What? No. This couldn't be happening, especially right now with Devan.
My dad must've seen the shock on my face because he says, "don't worry we'll figure it out. Just don't tell your brother he's stressed enough as it is. What did you want to ask us?"
I manage to regain my composure. Was now really a good time to ask? "Can Devan go to the movies with me tonight and then we'll stop for a quick bite to eat?"
My mom answers, "I don't know sweetie, I don't think that's the best thing for him right now."
"Please it will help him to take his mind off you know..."
My mom looks to my dad then back to me. She nods. "Just keep a careful watch on him ok?"
"I promise." Yes! And... no. This will probably be the most awkward date I've ever been on.

~~~time skip~~~

"Yo Devan! Let's go! We don't want to get stuck with bad seats!"
"Ok just let me finish this painting up real quick!" After too long he comes down and we get in the car. He seems a lot happier. But he frowns when I pull up to Regan's house.
"Where are we?"
"My girlfriends house."
He face goes from anger to fear. He probably is worried about her figuring out about his disease. "Don't worry I didn't tell her anything about that."
I get out of the car and Ring her doorbell.

Devans POV
As soon as Regan got in the car things were awkward. At least I was going to see my favorite movie. When we get there we buy three large sodas and one large popcorn. Regan seems pretty chill about me coming.
While we were watching the ads, waiting for the movie to start, I threw a handful of popcorn in my mouth.
I immediately regretted it. I felt my stomach get queasy. Well looks like I wasn't going to be having anymore popcorn.

~~~time skip~~~

The end credits start to roll and we all clap. It actually wasn't as weird as I thought it was going to be. Thankfully Collins didn't kiss her.
As we walk out Regan asks, "Hey Devan you're right that was the best movie ever!"
I smile. But it immediately disappears as she asks, " how come you didn't have any popcorn?"
I look at Collins. Thankfully he says, " I told him not to, but he ate a whole bag of pretzels before we came."
She giggles. "That sounds like something you would do Collins."
He blushes. Regan and I both laugh. This night has actually turned out to be really fun. I'm glad Collins asked me to come. As we get into the car I remember we were going to get something to eat. Food didn't sound so good to me right now.
Mom said that was one of the side effects of the disease, but the pill would get rid of it. Too bad I didn't take the pill. The very thought of food makes me want to throw up.
"Where to?" Collins asks. Regan grins and says, "Let's go to Rubios!"
Collins smiles. I however don't. "Hey Dev what's wrong?" Collins asks. I look up to see him with a concerned look on his face.
Regan chimes in, "if you rather have somewhere else thats totally fine."
"No it's ok, Rubios is good."
"Ok let's go!" Regan says to Collins who leans in and kisses her lips. I look down. Talk about awkward.
When we get to Rubios, Regan and Collins order there food with growling stomachs. When I go up to the counter I want to say I'm good, but I know Regan will question me. "I'll have a cheese quesadilla please."
We pay and get our food. We sit down and Collins devours his gluten free taco. After random talking Collins looks at me. "Dev, how come you haven't touched your food?"
"Uh I was waiting for it to cool down." I manage a smile and force a bite into my mouth. After I force it down, my stomach lurches. My face goes pale. I try to put my hand over my mouth, but I'm to late. I throw up right there. In front of everyone.
On Regan.
Hey, so sorry these chapters are so short. Also some of you may be wondering why I chose such a "gross" disease, but it's a real thing that people suffer. Also I noticed that people skipped chapter 2, so if you were confused then maybe go back and check. Thank you guys so much for the votes! 2 votes may seem lame to you guys, but it means the world to me! I know sad right? Lol. Goodbye keypers!

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