Food? No Thank You

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Collins POV
           I can't believe what's happening. Devan isn't taking his pills?! But he needs them! No matter what the side effects... but then I see them.
Sucidial thoughts
Liver damage
          What? No way is Devan taking this. His disease isn't fatal so he doesn't need this. No I wouldn't let him. But he needed it! The war in my head was interrupted by Devan, "please don't tell mom or dad!"
He breaks into sobs. I pull him into a hug. Wow he's lost a lot of weight from throwing up so much. "Hey I promise I won't." What did I just promise?! But as soon as he sags in relief I know I can't take it back.
He still is sniffling when I pull away. He looks at me with tear filled eyes, "Did you sort it out with Regan?"
I smile and nod. She was very understanding of Devan's disease. I don't know what I'd do without her. That's when I remember. We're moving to Georgia. No, that can't really be happening! "Collins!"
I'm snapped back to reality. "Yeah?"
He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. He knows something's up. Before I let anything slip I walk out.
Devan's POV
That could've gone worse. I just hope Collins keeps his promise. My stomach grumbles, but just the thought of food makes me want to puke. What am I doing to myself? I need food.
I go downstairs and grab a pear from the pantry, but hesitate. I don't want to throw up again. I decide against it and place it on the counter. I wonder if I really will get to skip school tomorrow.
I hope.

~~~time skip~~~

Ugh I was hoping to be able to sleep in, but my mom insists that I go to school today. Luckily Collins didn't say anything to my parents because my mom left the pill on my desk again.
And again, it ended up in the trash. As I get ready for the school day I feel a sense of guilt wash over me.
How much money am I wasting? This is to help me, so why aren't I taking it. I look in the mirror as I think this. Oh. My. Gosh. I've lost way too much weight. What are my friends going to say? I don't know what comes over me, but I drop to the floor and ball.
Anne's POV
I hear crying coming from the bathroom. My mom instinct takes over. Next thing I know I'm running to the bathroom and cradling Devan in my arms.
"Shh. It's ok. How about you stay home from school today."
He nods, but still cries. What came over him? My poor baby. A tear escapes my eye. I hate to see him like this.
Five minutes later he starts to calm down. "How about I fix you up some breakfast?"
He shakes his head. "No thank you."
"Yes you are eating. I am very worried about you."
He starts to protest. I glare at him. He shuts his mouth and starts to hiccup. I pull him up and bring him downstairs. That's when I remembered. I need to tell him.
No, not yet. He's going through enough. He sits down at the table and I start to make my blueberry pancakes. Now I know he won't be able to resist these.

Shout out to everyone who voted for my chapters! I really appreciate it! Poor Devan😭. Btw I just went vegan if any of you are I'd love some advice. Lol, I'm sooo random! Anyway have an amazing day keypers!!

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