So Whats Its Gonna Bee????

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ReRun of last chapter

"((((((2 HOURS IN COURT))))

Judge J(JJ)

JJ:Okay it's up to Marco Langston Madson to deiceded where to live.. Marco may you come up"Marco goes up to the judge and tells judge" Okay Marco had choiceing to live with..............."

JJ:Okay Marco has choice was that he was going to live with his sister

When that last word left her mouth i bust out in tears. After the judge finshed talking we went left out the court we was waiting on my brother. When i saw i him i ran up to him and hugged him.

Me:I love you bro

M tco:I love you sis

After our little moment we went to go eat. After when finished eating we went back to my house. He took his shower and I took mines and we went to sleep. Tomorrow we are going to his dads to get his stuff.


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