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"Where the heck were you?" Jungkook yelled at me. I squeeze my eyes, waiting till he's done screaming at me. 

"I got bored so I left," I shrug. "You left me. There was no point to stay." 

"You could've told me in advance! I almost called the police!" His voice cracks. This made my heart flutter but not enough to make me like him again. "Don't do it again."

"I won't," I promise to him. "Sorry for making you worry."

He kisses me, "At least I found you."


Jhope started the day with pain and ended the day gone.


Jungkook took me out for ice cream. The sun was out, the sky was spotless, kids were laughing everywhere, parents yelled at their children to hurry up. It felt like a perfect day. But perfect days always end with a tragedy.

"Chocolate, please," I say.

"And I'll have Vanilla," Jungkook says.

After we got our ice creams, we sat down on a park bench and ate in silence. 

"Sometimes I wish something would happen but it turns out I wish it didn't." I say. Jungkook raises his eyebrows confused. 

"Is this about us?"

I shake my head in denial, "Random thought, sorry."

"I love you."

"Why do we say I love you when we know the other person does? I feel like we don't trust each other enough. Without saying I love you, we should be able to feel each others love..." I trail off.

"I just want to express my love," Jungkook looks at me with stern eyes. "You don't trust me, do you?"

"It's not that....I just... forget it," I bring my eyes to my ice cream that was now melting. Melting slowly and becoming a mess, just like my life.

The awkward silence fills the air in between us. 

"I'm sorry," I say.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," Jungkook stands up and throws his ice cream away. "You don't like me anymore, I get it."

"No, Jungkook, don't get me wrong."

He flicks his hand at me. "You're seeing other boys, just like Eunha..." he mumbles under his breath. "All girls are the same."

"Jungkook, I love you."

He starts to walk away but turns around. "You don't, don't lie." 

"I do, trust me," I step closer to him. "I spent 10 months trying to get you in my arms. You think that'll go to waste?" 

A small smile creeps onto his lips, "I'm sorry."

"And I'm sorry too," I wrap my arms around his neck. I lean forward, placing my lips onto his. 

"SinB...." he murmurs onto my lips.

We say we love each other but it's all lies. We fool ourselves believing we are perfect together but it's all a illusion. Love is a lie.


My hope ^^

can you meet me at the flower trail?


ok but why?

Read at 3:21 pm

I hate when I get left on read. I throw my phone onto my bed and touch up my makeup. Before heading out, I make sure to wear my necklace Jhope gave to me on my birthday. It's a cute little heart with JHS and HEB. He has one too, matching you could say. 

"You showed up!" He hugs me as soon as he sees me.

"Of course I came! I wasted a good 20 minutes just to come here you know," I say jokingly.

He hits me lightly and notices my necklace, "I'm wearing mine too!" He pulls it out of his shirt. Sure enough, he has the same one. "Anyways, you must be wondering why the heck I told you to come here."

"Duh. You know I hate when you leave me on read." I roll my eyes at him which only makes him smile wider.

"And you know I love when you actually show up to things that I tell you about."

"Hey! That was only once! I forgot about your birthday party and plus, you told me 3 weeks in advance," I protest.

"You left me all alone... on my birthday."

"Awww, my baby Hope is all sad now." I pet his hair which is surprisingly very soft. Almost like petting a dog. "I'll make sure to come to your next one."

His smile fades. "I won't be having one but I have something for you." He pulls out a bouquet of sunflowers.

I bring it up to myself to smell it. "They're so pretty! Thank you but why?"

He laughs, "To remind you of me. You said I look like a sunflower so here I am! You won't forget me no matter what." 

"Of course I'll never forget you. You're my best friend!" And sometimes I think a little more than that.

"I know, I know. I'll be gone for a long time you know." He stares at the sunflowers. The flowers look towards the sun that is beaming down on us. 


He sighs, "Soon. Lets walk." 

I grab his hand and we start walking towards the beautiful flowers. But none of them are better than my living flower. 


 *gives you a bouquet of sunflowers*🌻 you're welcome ;)

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