12 - Here then gone

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I spent the night at his house. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I laid my head on his cheat. His heart slowly beats. I dreamed about me and him. A future that will never happen.


I woke up to the sound of Jhope throwing up. I patted and rubbed his back.

"Thank you," he says as I hand him medicine. "I don't want to get you sick."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I ask him even though he won't be.

He slightly nods, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

But he's far from fine.


Later that day, his heart starts to hurt even more. It was the most painful experience for him. Nothing could be worse than this.

He laid on the couch but he was afraid of falling asleep.

He was afraid of closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep but never waking up from it.

But suddenly a pang hit his chest. He couldn't breathe anymore. He rushed to his phone and dialed 911.

"I.. have.... a heart attack..." he squeaked out. "Please hurry..."

4 paramedics pilled into his home, taking him into the hospital. They tried attaching him to oxygen masks, CPR, but nothing worked. His heart was failing on him.

"Heart transplant is our only choice left." The doctor told him.

They rolled him into the operation room and cut his chest open, replacing his heart with a healthy one. However, that couldn't even save him now.

He was destined to die,

and so he will.

He whispered to one of the nurses before passing away.

But his only wish was to tell her in person. But that never came.


"Hwang Eunbi..." The nurse whispers to herself while scrolling through all of the patients name. She finally found her tab and pressed on the phone number.

"Is this Eunbi?" The nurse asks.

"Uh, yes it is."

"Your friend, Hoseok, has passed away. I'm so sorry...." I couldn't hold myself together long enough to hear the rest of her words before I collapsed.

I woke up in a room but I knew exactly where I was. I glanced over at the lifeless body across the room. The once lively and bright boy that helped me through my life was now sleeping that he would never be able to wake up from.

Tear poured out of my eyes as I couldn't stop myself too. I grabbed his hands and prayed for him to come back, for all of this to be a prank.

The nurse knocks and walks in. "I have a message for you from Hoseok..."

I turn my attention to her, my eyes alert. "What..did he say?" My voice quivers.

"He wanted to let you know that he loved you. It was the last thing he said before passing away. I'm sorry again, Eunbi." She bows and closes the door.

He didn't have to tell me he loved me because I could clearly see it. I was in denial. I wish I could turn back time and restart my life. Then I'll know what choices to make.

And that's why he said he was going to be leaving for a long time. It wasn't a long time, it was forever.

I slump down onto the railing of the bed.

"Please don't leave me Hoseok...." I brushed his hair out of his eyes. Even now he still looks like a little prince.

"Who will make me feel important?"

"Who will tell me everything will be okay?"

"Who will hug me and make me feel safe?"

"Who will make me happy?" I whisper out to him.

The thing I noticed about the bouquet of flowers he gave me was that one of them was fake. Even though the other petals will fall and get old, that one will always stay alive.

Just like how Hoseok will always stay alive in my heart.

"You're my sunflower..." I kiss him on the forehead.


I watched the Death Cure (last movie of the Maze Runner series) and it was so freaking good and the part where thomas and teresa kiss, i was fangirling so hard aiererrfef

I think the problem with me is that I ship people so easily like give me one moment between 2 people and ill automatically ship them >_<

This week i have so many tests like i think teachers are sometimes out of their minds giving students so many things to do like save us all. 

anyways, here was the last chapter of this book! tomorrow i'll be posting the epilogue but thank you guys for reading and voting on this terrible book *fingerheart* ;) 

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