Things Change(Vikings-Ubbe Ragnarsson)

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*Ingrid's pov*

I grew up in the beautiful village known as Kattegat the only child of Alfvin and Siv Ä father was childhood friends with Ragnar Lothbrok who would become Earl and later father became one if Ragnar's trusted men along with my Uncle Floki my mother's brother...I was born after Ragnar remarried Aslaug and welcomed their first son mother became ill after my birth passing not long after...and my father was killed in battle leaving me the sole heir of my family also leaving me in the care of Floki and Helga who I adored...this also meant I grew up with the sons of Ragnar Ubbe, Hvisterk, Sigurd, and Ivar...I didn't meet Bjorn until he came back later we were all grown Ragnar had passed as had Aslaug who was murdered by for me and the boys I had begun a relationship with Ubbe which we were now married just before Ragnar left for England...we had just succeeded in avenging Ragnar's a shieldmaiden I went along...I found Ubbe staring out the window "Husband it's time for the feast ."

Ubbe sighed "I'm coming wife."

I sighed softly "What's wrong?"

He sighed "Worried my love that's all..."

I wrapped my arms around his torso pressing a kiss to his tunic covered back "Everything will be fine we will go back to Kattegat ."

Ubbe nodded "I know I can't help but worry wife we're married now...I worry for you."

I nodded "I'm tougher than I look Ubbe...I can handle my own....gods know where I would have ended up had it not been for Ragnar and Aslaug watching over me when Floki failed...I owed him this...both of them."

Ubbe turned to face me "Ingrid..."

I gently took his face in my hands "Dear husband the gods are watching us and protected us as we avenged your father...and will as we avenge your mother."

He sighed "Where do we go from here my wife...return to Kattegat kill Lagertha then what?"

I brushed my thumb across his cheek "That's up to the gods my dear husband..only they know what lays ahead."

Ubbe tucked a stray hair behind my ear "Maybe start a family?"

I raised an eyebrow "If the gods will bless us then yes."

He smiled "Yeah?"

I smiled "Yeah."

Ubbe smiled "You think your parents would of liked me the great Alfvin one of my father's trusted men and powerful shield maiden Siv.."

I smiled softly I was very young barely 3 when my father was killed.."Floki assures me they would of wanted the best for me...for me to be happy."

He smiled "Are you?"

I nodded "Very much..but to answer your question in my heart I think they would of approved of you the son of Ragnar."

Ubbe leaned down pressing a gentle kiss to my lips "Let's go feast dear wife."

I took his arm as we walked out...I greeted Hvisterk, Sigrid, and Ivar...I smiled down at Ivar..our relationship was different than with Bjorn, Hvisterk and Sigurd...I protected him maybe more than I should of but I didn't treat him any different than his brothers "You were right Ivar."

Ivar smiled "Yes I know its not to let to change your mind about my brother dear Ingrid."

I smiled cupping his chin "Sorry Ivar I'm quite fond of your brother but I have faith in the gods they have someone for you and we will find her."

He smiled "You're so good to me Ingrid."

Ubbe smiled "She always has been little brother."

Ivar smiled "Let's feast.."

I stepped down to where I would sit...the sons of Ragnar sat at a table on a stage while others sat around...I could hear their conversation usually I was the one who could instantly calm anything between Ivar and Sigurd I just sat watching waiting...I exchanged a look with Bjorn as he walked off to join Harald and Halfdan at their table...I quickly stood up as Sigurd stood up.."Ivar stop it...Sigurd stop it now sit down."

Sigurd looked at me "You don't protect him forever he needs to face facts.."

I stood at the steps "That is enough Sigurd.."

Ubbe sat up "Ingrid stop."

Before I could speak Ivar threw an ax at Sigurd hitting him in the chest...I froze as I watched him walk then collapse "What did you do?"

Ivar just froze staring at his brothers

I kneeled down closing Sigurd's eyes...the feast and Sigurd's body was moved and plans were being made for burial...I found Ubbe standing looking out over the water "Ubbe."

Ubbe looked at me "Ingrid."

I frowned "I'm sorry..he's in Vahalla with your parents.."

He nodded "You're right...usually You can call it down."

I moved my dress sitting beside him "I don't think there was anything I could of done that would of stopped it...Sigurd pushed too far and Ivar was beyond irrational.."

Ubbe sighed "The sons of Ragnar are falling apart, Bjorn wants to head to the Mediterranean, Ivar wants to keep raiding, Hvisterk I don't know what he wants, and I just want to settle into our life and have a son."

I laid my head on his shoulder "Its all up to the gods husband Ivar is Ivar we know this..Bjorn who knows where his head is...Hvisterk is just trying to figure this all for us all we can do is pray to the gods that they decide we deserve a child."

He pressed a kiss to my temple "I love you Ingrid."

I smiled softly "I love you too Ubbe.."

Ubbe nodded "Promise me something  I know how close you are with Ivar but I would feel much better if you kept your distance for now he killed Sigurd I don't want to think of what else he could do."

I sighed "I don't think Ivar would hurt me Ubbe."

He nodded "Probably not but I would much rather not risk it...if me or Hvisterk are not around please don't."

I nodded "Yes Husband."

Ubbe sighed "Would you be upset if I asked you not to go into battle with us anymore?"

I sighed "Well if it's my husband's wish I must obey if you feel it's for the best then no I wouldn't be upset."

He nodded "Once you're with child no more of this if you come you come as my wife not a shield maiden."

I nodded "Okay.."

Ubbe let his arm wrap around me as we sat in silence

I looked at him the worry in those blue eyes was evident thus making me worry...they say things are changing and boy are they

they say things are changing and boy are they

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Ingrid Alfvindóttir Lothbrok

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