You Had Me(Vikings:Ubbe Lothbrok/Ivar the Boneless-Part 1)

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*Ingrid's pov*

I was the youngest and only living daughter of Floki the boat builder and Helga I grew up with the sons of Ragnar so naturally upon his death I went to help avenge him...but when it came to war I refused even if it upset my lover Ivar...I stood listening to him rant about turning against him "I'm not turning against you much more am I supposed to lose I've lost my entire family Ivar I don't know if my father is still alive I understand this I do you want to avenge Aslaug but I refuse to fight the only family I have left."

Ivar glared "You won't fight to protect Ubbe!"

I threw my arms up "My gods Ivar to be so brilliant you are so dumb...I'm protecting me not want to fight fight but I am not fighting my family!"

He growled "You are with me!"

I shook my head "Am I you had zero problems kissing that thrall...I've never entertained another man yet you were so quick to do that to me."

Ivar caught my wrist "I did kiss her....but I am Viking."

I shook my head "Don't give me that Ivar you choose how you act you chose to kiss her.."

He pulled me down onto his lap "And I fuck you not her."

I sighed feeling him nuzzle into my neck as me moved my braid "Stop it I'm mad at you."

Ivar pressed a kiss to the exposed skin  "Take it out on me love."

I pulled his head up crashing my lips to his as he lifted my skirt slipping a hand between my thighs....I stood fixing my dress as he tucked himself back in his pants "You've made this a habit Lothbrok."

He smirked "Made what a habit?"

I placed my hands on the arms of the chair leaning in "Pissing me off so I'll ride you."

Ivar let his hand slowly trail up my side to my neck "I like my maiden fiesty the sex is so much better...not that it's bad when you're not're louder."

I nodded "I'm still not happy with you."

He nodded "I know."

I nodded pressing a kiss yo the corner of his mouth "I got things to do."

Ivar nodded "Okay.."

I nodded and walked out..after the lengthy battles Ivar here we were back in Kattegat Ivar was insane but the thrall was back around and it became clear to me what Ivar and I had was done...I found Hvitserk cleaning his sword with Harald "Can we talk?"

Hvitserk nodded "Of course dear Ingrid...what is troubling you I figured  you would be thrilled to be home or that you and Ivar would be celebrating."

I sighed deeply "Nothing to celebrate...that marriage isn't happening."

He raised an eyebrow "Since when?"

I sighed "That thrall I told you about the one from York...she's here he is pursuing her...I'm leaving."

Harald sat up "Is that wise?"

I sat down "I have to...Ivar is insane it's not safe especially now."

He looked at me then whispered "Does he know?"

I shook my head "I just found out..."

Hvitserk sighed "What do you need me to do're my best friend."

I sighed "Never tell him...I'm going to leave with Rollo...I'll accept their God if I have to but I cannot subject this child to what Ivar is now."

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