Lovely Surprise(Alex Høgh Andersen:Part 3)

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*Alex's pov*

Leading up to this I was a nervous wreck...I was 24 could I be a good father...was I ready for this but hearing that heartbeat for the first time I knew everything was going to be okay..the beginning wasn't easy especially with what Ash was dealing with she hadn't spoken to her parents since the day we called to tell them the news she tried and ultimately just gave up..I hated it but there was nothing I could do but be there for her..even though we were engaged we were in no hurry to get married settling in with a baby was going to be hard enough without the added pressure of a wedding..Ash was due any day now so we were spending a lot of our time home..I was woke up to someone shaking me awake...opening my eyes to see Ash dressed "Baby what's wrong?"

Ashton sighed "Contractions are 15 minutes apart...I thought it was Braxton said to come in."

I quickly got up throwing on clothes "Are you okay?"

She nodded "So far."

I threw on my shoes and jacket...I made sure we had everything and we left...I glanced over at Ash who had her head leaned back against the head rest "Nearly there baby."

Ashton just nodded "Mmhmm.."

I nodded...when we finally arrived I quickly parked then held her out "Easy.."

She shook her head "Alex shut up and get the bags."

I had to laugh "Okay okay I got it."

Ashton sighed "I didn't call your mom."

I placed my hand on her back as we walked "Don't worry baby I'll call them when you get settled."

She nodded "Okay."

I nodded we checked in and headed u to the maternity floor..once Ash was settled I stepped out calling everyone..I sighed as I waited for my mom to answer "Mom?"

"Alex its late."

I nodded "I know mom...Ash is in labor."

"Is she okay?"

I nodded "So far...they're checking her so I'm making the phone calls.."

"Keep me updated baby okay."

I smiled "I you mom."

"I love you too."

I sighed "Gotta go...bye."


I hung up and went back into the room.."Everyone knows."

Ashton sighed "I'm only at 4...we got a long wait ahead of us."

I glanced at the clock it was just aftwr 1 am...I leaned down pressing a kiss to her forehead "Then we wait."

She sighed softly "I'm scared Alex."

I nodded "Me too baby..but you got're going to do amazing and Jackson will be here soon."

Ashton nodded "I just wish she was here.."

I frowned slightly "I know but we can't force them...if they decide to be in Jackson's life I don't stop them but I'm not holding the branch out anymore."

She nodded "We haven't picked godparents."

I nodded "I kinda asked Marco at comicon."

Ashton smiled "I wanna ask Sophie....shes kept me sane through all this."

I nodded "Then it's settled."

She nodded with a smile "Seems so."

I pressed a kiss to her head...even with all going on we managed to get some rest 13 hours after we arrived Jackson Elias Andersen was born 6 pounds 7 ounces 17 inches long...while Ashton was resting I stood outside the nursery taking pictures of Jackson..I turned my head as I heard my name seeing Marco, Jordan, Sophie, Liz and Georgia holding flowers, balloons, and many other things for us and Jackson "Hey."

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