chapter 2- what did i just do?

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~Shayne's POV~
Current status: hyperventilating in an elevator.

Why is Damien Haas at my work?

~timeskip, 30 minutes later~
"I have worked at smosh for four years! Four goddamn years! Every day i take the stairs. I have never ridden the elevator ONCE. The ONE DAY I have to take the elevator because of matinence, DAMIEN FREAKING HAAS SHOWS UP! I-"

"Stop." My friend Keith cut me off. "I get it. You just need to find something to do. Keep yourself distracted. That's what I did when I was trying to avoid Olivia. Go take a yoga class, go to the gym. Eat something. Go shopping. Try to get yourself away from the thoughts about him."

   Keith always gives such good advice. It's too bad he's straight, i would date him. I muttered a small "thanks" and walked to the elevator.
     I got on without bothering to look at whoever else was inside. The door closed, i pushed the button for the lobby, and tried to calm myself down.

    "Hi." I heard a small voice from the other side of the elevator say. I looked to my right to see Damien beaming at me. I could've melted into that smile. His was one of those smiles that just warms your heart and makes you swoon. I felt my hands get clammy and i forced out a weak "Hey."
    "I didn't know you worked here. I didn't see you when i came in for the tour last week." Damien continued. He ruffled his hair and made my heart absolutely flutter. He knows i love it when he does that. I sucked in a deep breath and tried to talk but he interrupted me.

   "Listen, i know it's been a while but i thought maybe you wanted to go get coffee sometime?" He asked in a raspy voice.

    "Yeah, that would be great." I answered back. He smiled again and handed me his phone with his contacts open. I put my number in and gave it back to him just as the elevator bell rang. He got off on the 2nd floor and i watched him walk away in a foggy haze.

What did i just do?

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