Chapter 4- TBT

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Time: 6 years ago
Place: Detroit, Michigan

~Damien's POV~
Shayne and i walked down the road to school together. It was the middle of summer, in the blistering heat, and the busses that took us to school heated up like ovens. Since 6th grade, Shayne and i had walked down this path every day of the summer to get to school. We were in 12th grade now, and today was the day i was going to come out to him. I love my best friend, Shayne Topp.

We came inside the school and everything was bustling with excitement. Today was the last day of out senior year before graduation, of course.

We hurried down the hallway, trying to get to our lockers before the bell rang. Our school had strict rules. No PDA, No smoking, No gum, an extremely strict dress code, you name it. They had patrolling hall monitors on every centimeter of this school.

I leaned by the locker next to him and studied his cute face. His dirty blonde hair perfectly framed his head, and the way he looked so busy made my heart skip a beat. His dimples were the most adorable thing i'd ever seen, and they looked even better up close.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I was so entranced by his perfect looks that i could stay flustered for hours. I finally mustered up the courage to tell hin to meet me in the supply closet in 2 minutes. He looked at me quizically, but shrugged it off.

My heart was practically beating out of my chest when i told him. I remember the conversation going something like this:

D: Shayne, i know we've been best friends for practically ever and i would hate to ruin this friendship, but since it's graduation and we're leaving for college soon, i just have to tell you this.

S: Okay Damien, what's the problem?

D: i've been coming to terms with the fact that i'm gay.

S: Oh ok. I'll support you no matter what bro.

D: The thing is, i like YOU.

I could feel my heart beating so hard that i swore it would beat out of my chest. Shayne paused.

S: Well man, i don't know. You know i don't swing that way. I'm sorry.

D: i figured it was irrational anyways, sorry for bringing it up.

And with that, Shayne left to go to his first period, leaving me alone in the dark supply closet, crying.

And that was the exact feeling i had the day i asked him out again. I felt so jittery and nervous, but i seemed calm over text. That's the great thing about texting: you can't see the other person shaking as they try to ask their crush out.

To my surprise, he agreed. I'm going on a date with Shayne Topp!

-Sunday morning-

I got dressed in a dark blue polo shirt and khakis, styling my hair and getting ready for my coffee date with Shayne.  I knew that he would wear something similar, as he always does. I took a drink of water, brushed my teeth, and ran outside to the parking garage where my car was parked. I jumped in, starting the car and trying to get it warmed up, trying not to freeze to death in the process.

My car eventually warmed up after a while, and i was glad. It can get so cold in there in the mornings.

I drove to starbucks, trying not to speed because i was so excited. My brain felt like it was going to explode from happiness. I made it there, and took my seat.

As i waited at the table on my phone, i saw shayne get out of a blue car, waving at the driver goodbye.

He smiled and ruffled his hair as he walked inside, wearing khakis and a black-and-white striped shirt. I saw his blue eyes gleaming as he walked into the brightly lit coffee shop. He paused, looking around for Damien.

I waved, and he briskly walked over to the round table with a marble covering and a stainless steel napkin dispenser resting on one side. He sat down on the high wood stool, and since this table was near a window, the warm sunshine cast its rays on shayne's face, making my heart skip a small beat.

"How was your morning?" He asked calmly, smiling.

(Hey y'all! Sorry for not updating, i've been really busy with schoolwork and everything. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and i promise i will have a new update by friday night! Love you guys!-Frogvin)

(P.s. make sure to vote if you liked it!)

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