Chapter 5- race you!

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~Damien's pov~

We talked and talked and talked for about 3 hours. I don't destinctly remember if we really did order anything besides coffee, and judging by the looks the coffee shop staff were giving us, we probably would have been kicked out if we stayed any longer.

We talked about everything. And when i say everything, i mean it. The past, remembering high school, smosh and the people there, how much of a coincidence it was that we both worked there. I missed this in detroit. I stayed behind in Michigan, while i watched the man i love move to LA and slowly fade away. 

The reason i didn't want to come out was because of him. He wasn't homophobic at all, it's just that i didn't want to ruin our friendship. Which, i did do. And that really sucked.

So, by the time we graduated, Shayne was already packing his bags to leave for film school in california. I assumed that he wanted to leave a couple days early because of me, but he said that he "just wanted to explore the new area, get a better feel of it." I knew that it was bullshit but i didnt want to bring it up for the sake of still trying to be friends.

"So, Damien, what do you like about the area so far?" Shayne asked, quizzically.

I responded with a shoulder shrug and by saying, "better, now that i know you're here."

He smirked a little bit and looked down at his coffee, which was now probably very cold. The sun danced in his eyes when he looked back up at me, his hair flopped along with his head.

After another 15 minutes of talking, we decided to leave the now cramped coffee shop. We walked outside into the breezy autumn weather, throwing  away our cups in the trash outside.

The palm trees swayed with the wind, creating a pleasant sound. Shayne reached up and put his arm around me, as he was taller. I felt myself relax.

"Where do you want to go now?" He asked, squinting his eyes away from ths sun.

"Hmm. Do you want to watch a movie back at my place?"

I had cleaned the whole apartment earlier just for this purpose.

"Sure!" He said, ruffling his light brown hair.

We got in my car and listened to the radio, him making up crazy dances to the beat and me laughing along with it. He could always make me laugh.

We pulled into the parking lot and got out, walking side by side on the sidewalk. I felt his hand intertwine with mine, and i gave it a little squeeze and looked up at him to see a deep blush forming in his cheeks.

We reached the stairway and i groaned, because my floor was floor 5, which meant 5 floors of stairs.

"Race you!" Shayne said in a goofy kids voice, making me laugh. We both ran up the stairs, laughing and smiling. Of course Shayne won, with me behind by at least 8 steps. He was red in the face and laughing when i finally got up. I pretented to frown but ended up laughing along with him as i unlocked my apartment door to see my sparkling clean living room. Nobody was there to mess it up, because my roomates Wes and Courtney were both at vidcon. I decided not to go, because i'm still new to smosh, even though i have already been in about 10 videos. Shayne doesn't like crowds or loud places, so he didn't go either.

We sat down on our comfy tan-colored couch and decided to watch titanic. He grabbed my hand and i rested my head on his non-surprisingly muscular shoulder.  It didn't take me long to relax and eventually drift off to sleep.

~Shayne's POV~

The movie finished after a long time, and i looked down to see Damien asleep on my shoulder. I grabbed my phone from on the seat next to me and ordered a pizza and breadsticks, seeing as it was somehow already 5:30. The pizza would be here in 45 minutes, which gave me the perfect amount of time to take a small nap.

I awoke to the doorbell being rung, and i hastily got up, making sure not to wake damien. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping.

I payed the pizza man and took our meal inside, putting it on 2 paper plates for damien and i. I picked a different movie, What Happened To Monday, and woke damien up. He slowly opened his eyes, which i thought was the most adorable thing ever.

I'm really starting to like this boy.

~Damien's POV~

After my little nap on Shayne's shoulder, apparently he ordered a pizza to my apartment. He woke me up with a calm voice, turning on another movie. We ate and watched, and this movie turned out to actually be really interesting. After a while, and more pizza, the movie ended. I didn't even realize i cried when i saw that monday was actually pregnant with twins. Shayne giggled when he saw me wiping my eyes, and i lightly punched his shoulder, sending the both of us into a laughing fit. He leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips, and i kissed back.

"Thank you for tonight." I said, looking at the clock on my phone, realizing it was 11 PM.

"Shit, look at the time." I whispered, showing him my phone.

"Do you wamt to just sleep over?" I asked, and Shayne nodded. I jumped up to grab some pillows and blankets but i had a better idea.

"Let's make a pillow fort!" I said, a little bit too loud, considering the time of night. Shayne laughed and agreed, and we began setting it up.

After another half hour and a lot of elbow grease, we finally managed to build a strong pillow fort big enough to fit the two of us, with extra room. I plopped down inside and patted the area next to me for shayne to lie down. Before he even got inside i was closing my eyes and nodding off to sleep.

~Shayne's POV~

Damien is so cute when he comes up with little ideas like that. I smiled when he suggested the pillow fort. We built it, of course, and he was knocked out before i could even get inside. I watched him for about five minutes before i couldn't control my eyelids from drooping anymore, and fell asleep right next to him.

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