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ocean's pov 

i walked inside chino hills high school with a crowd surrounding me. i was honestly confused because this has never happened before. not even when everyone found out i was pregnant. 

"so i heard your trying to steal my boyfriend."  heard form behind me. i turned around . denise also known as lonzo bitter girlfriend. "yea you thought i wouldn't find out? well guess what bitch i will ruin your life if you even look at my man." yea this bitch is crazy.

"honey me and lonzo have a project together and if you have a problem oh. fucking. well." i shrugged. the next think i know a sting was left on my cheek. i looked denise in the eyes and she had a smirk.

i just started throwing punches and pulling her stiff ass weave on her head. 

"okay ocean i think she had enough. you don't need to get hurt you have a baby at home." i heard lonzo calm voice while he pulled me off of his girlfriend.

"oh so your going to protect her?" denise yelled while lonzo younger brother liangelo tried to hold her still. "you know what lonzo we're done you can have the bitch. she's nothing but a homeless bitch who can't even feed her own baby." she shouted with tears rolling down her face while lonzo we whispering me loving things in my ear trying to make me mind her. but i heard everything and she's right.

if i didn't have treasure i would still be on street begging for money for me and breast feed my baby.

"don't mind her she's just jealous. she wanted to have me forever and wanted to have a baby with me. guess what it's just you and me now okay?" i nodded as i laid my head in his chest. 

he's so amazing


i walked into the schools gym where lonzo, liangelo, lamelo and some of his friends were playing 4 on 4. i grabbed the book fault in our stars out of my book bag and sat on the bleacher and started reading.

i love reading romance stories like the ones you see on wattpad. especially odell beckham jr fan fictions. he's so fine. don't tell lonzo.

"aye ocean." i heard someone shout. i looked up and saw lonzo running towards. "come on shorty." he grabbed my hand making me drop my book and dragged me to the court. 

"but i don't know how to play." i said while he just shrugged. i rolled my eyes then took the ball from his hands and tried to shoot and three and totally missed. 

"bend your knees and arms a little bit." i did as he told me and still missed. "okay baby you need to be in front of the net not on the side." he chuckled then moved me over a little bit so i was in front of the net. "now try."

i shot the ball and it went in. i started jumping for joy. for my first time playing basketball every i think i'm pretty good. 

"damn i can play." said popping my fake collar.

"yea but you sure cant reach." he said holding the basketball above his head. 

"i bet i can." he shrugged then i looked up at his 6"6 figure with my 5"3 figure. i started reaching for the ball and jumping but i just couldn't do it. "i can't do it." i whined.

"come on baby you got this." i sighed the tried again. once i got back on the ground, he lifted my chin slowly and the next thing i knew our lips were connected.

it was magical and amazing. i wasn't afraid to kiss back either.

"how would you like if i took you out tonight?" he asked disconnecting our lips.

"i would like that." i smiled.

hope you enjoyed

words counted 636

unpredictable:: l.bOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora