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sorry for any errors

island in mm 

 lonzo's pov

i was on my way to school because i was forced like i always am. lamelo had the aux cord and on the street all you heard was my car. see this is why i don't like him riding to school with me. he makes us seem unprofessional.

once was arrived at school i started looking around for ocean and i didn't see her around the school. i started asking people have they seen her and every single respond was no. 

i pulled my phone from my back pocket and called her phone.

phone convo


me-"baby where are you?"

ocean-"at home. i'm having cramps and they're so bad and i couldnt come."

me-"you need me to come over?"

ocean-"lonzo no go to school learn something for once visit me after okay?"


end of phone convo

she acted like i was actually going to listen to her. i walked to the main office and got a pass and walked out this damn school. i jumped in my car drove to the closes walgreens i could find. 

once i got there i bought my baby some tampons and pads because i dont know what she use. some ice cream, candy and some juice. 

i bought everything and i was on my way to ocean's apartment.

ocean's pov

i was laying down breast feeding island while she slowly fell asleep and i was with her. i heard a knock on my bedroom door and it literally scared the shit out of me because no body is here except for me.

i quickly grabbed my handy dandy bat from under my bed and walked to my door i slowly opened it with island still in my arms and it turned out to be

"lonzo you scared the shit out of me dont do that." i rolled my eyes then walked baxk over to my bed and laid down.

"can i get a hey at least?" he questioned while i just rolled my eyes. "baby i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you." he walked over to the other side of my queen side and laid down rubbing my stomach.

"it's okay just warn me before hand. wait how did you even get in." 

"y'all need to learn how to hide your spare key a little better. like really the door mat?" i chuckled then turned on my smart tv. 

"what you wanna watch?" he shrugged continuing to look at his phone. "who you texting you side chick?"

"you is my side chick." i looked at him and slapped the shit out him. i got up from the bed and put island in her crib and laid on top of lonzo and started punching him in the chest. "babe i'm just kidding your my main."

"no i'm not. were not dating." i said looking at his phone and saw he was on pinterest. "your a girl bro." said laughing.

"shut up or i'm not giving your presents." i grabbed the bag that was on the floor next to him and saw it was tampons, pads, candy, ice cream and juice. 

"omg you love me." i said kissing cheek then walked to the bathroom.

lonzo's pov

"yea i'm so in love with you."

i know this chapter sucked don't remind me 

words counted 551

unpredictable:: l.bWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt