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 ocean's pov 

"girl i just don't understand you." treasure said sitting across from me sipping her coffee while was rocking island to sleep. we were currently at starbucks because i wanted coffee and treasure decided to tag along. 

"what don't you understand."

"how do you go from not wanting to be nearly 5 feet from lonzo then end up dating him?" here we go again.

"we're not dating."

"but you want to date him." she pointed at me.

"Honestly i don't know what i want. one minute he sweet but when he around his friends it's like i'm not even there. " it's true. for the past week and a half when we are alone he's all lovey dovey and when he's around his little 'crew' or whatever he talks to them but not me and it's honestly making me thinking.

"well you better put your little boyfriend in check."

"how am i going to that?" i asked.

"well you better think fast because he's coming this way." i looked behind me and there he was with his brothers and a man who i never seen in my life. 

i got up handing island to treasure and slowly walked over to lonzo. 

"aw hey ocean." i think one of his brothers said to me. he had blond tips and braces he was honestly handsome. 

"ocean what are you doing here?" lonzo  said while i looked at him like he was crazy.

"i mean it's a public place lonzo. you expecting someone?" i question with my hand on my hip. 

"actually i wa-" he got interrupted by cries coming from the table i was previously sitting at. i walked over to treasure and saw island wide awake fussing. i picked her up and she stopped crying and laid her head on my shoulder.

i walked back to lonzo and he just stared at me. 

"now continue your sentence."

"actually i am expecting someone." he said with a smirk.

"and would that person be." he stared at me and all of a sudden i heard a voice that i thought i would never have to hear ever again. 

"hey baby." 

"hey denise."

dang lonzo got some hoes. sorry i haven't update but i'm back on my game trust me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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