Chapter 1

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??? Pov.

I wake up not knowing who I am or where I came from. All I know is that I'm in a dark and damp cell. "W-w-where a-am I? W-who am I?" I ask fear filling my voice. "Oh! Your awake! Dont worry... your going to be just fine." A dark voice responds. I turn to see what looks like a man but they have tentacles coming from their back.

What is that? I thought as the thing left. "Where am I?" I asked myself again, "Who am I?" Just then a figure appeared from the shadows. They had shaggy brown hair, sea blue eyes, a grey t-shirt, black pants, and black tenis. In a deepish voice they say "Notch your stupid."

"U-um... w-who are you? W-whos Notch?" I asked, nervous. "Oh my Notch! You have to be a N.S. if your this stupid!!!!" They said anger obvious in their voice. "W-whats a N.S?" I wondered. "A new spawn! Notch.... Alright, you'll find out your name within the next few hours along with some other things but for now we need to find a way out of here." The person stated. This was going to be scary.....


Sorry its a short capter but its my first one so i hope i get better as i write this. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed and cant wait until the next chapter. Just know that i will be up dating whenever I can. Thanks again!

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