Chapter 4

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~Silverstar's P.O.V~

I heard John call this place H.Q. I wonder what that means... Anyways when we entered I started looking for General Seto. For some odd reason i feel like i need to talk to him, so after a couple minutes of looking compleatly lost i found him.

"U-um... Mr. General Seto, sir.... I-I w-wanted to talk to you about something..... well more like ask a ton of questions..." I said shyly after gently tugging his cloak.
"Yes? What is it?" He asked. I shyly bite my lip, take a deep breath and speak.
"Mr. General Seto sir its about comander Adam Skylen...." the moment I say that his expression goes from one of seriousness to one of saddness and confusion.
"Come inside, we can talk over some tea." and with that we both go inside the building. When we get inside im amazed by all the shelves of different thick things that look rough and hard. Seto seems to notice my astonished expression and chuckles. "These are books. You read them to learn different things, most of these are on magic and the history of minecraftia."
"Wow... t-theres so many!" I squeal, "c-could u, m-maybe, t-teach me...?" He seems to think about this a moment when a sudden breeze comes through and as soon as it stops his eyes widen and he nods. "Alright. You'll be my apprentice, but first what is this about Adam?"
I smile widely and nod. "W-well when I was in the squids base I passed out and when I awoke I was in this pitch black void. When I asked where I was a man answered with that we were in the void. When I asked him who he was he answered with Adam Skylen and I recognised him as Comander Sky. When I said this he told me he wasnt the hero of this story and that I was. I didn't, and still don't, understand why and asked him why not someone like John because he would follow him anywhere. He said that that was the problem with John, he acts before he thinks were as I think about the consequences and outcomes before acting and that among other things is why I was diferent from other spawns and why Notch, Herobrine and him chose me to be the hero the world needs to stop the squids once and for all." I take a deep breath, "hes also the one who told me my name. When I asked why silverstar he said to look in a mirror when I get the chance..." when I finish the story Seto looks like he's going to explode with emotions. "A-are you ok..?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine...." he says, "now... lets start your training!"
"R-really?!" I squeal
"The sooner the better!" He shouts as he floats up to a top shelf and pull down a book, "first we'll start with teaching you to read and write." and with that the lessons begin.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's been 2 weeks and I've already mastered reading, writing, all kinds of combat (curtasy of Generals Mitch and Jerome), all the simple magics (elemental[fire, water, earth, air, nature, life/harmony/creation, and death/chaos/destruction] and levitation) and some more complicated magic such as summoning, teleportation, understanding animals and shape shifting. Seto says it normaly takes years to learn all this and that I really am special and not just because of my personalaty and looks, which I now know I have pure silver hair, pale white skin, silver eyes and a silver mark the shape of a star just above my heart. I'm curently learning potion making and enchanting, but at the moment I'm free to do as I please. Normally when I have time to myself I'm either reading, sneaking to the surface, or doing both. Thats what I'm doing. I'm curently in a tree reading one of Seto's spell books when I hear something in the brush below me.

Quiet as a mouse I sommon a dagger, carefully jump down, and see that what was making the noise was nothing more then a lost and ingured fawn.

"Aww... come here...." I unsommon my dagger and wait for the fawn to approch me, "its ok... I can help....." as soon as I say this the young fawn, which I now know is a doe, limps up to me and nuzzles my outstreached hand. Carful not to injure her more I pick her up after cheaking for anything that could pose as a tracking devise and take her back to base.

And lets just say none of the generals are very happy with me....
"WHAT THE NEATHER WHERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!" shouted ty at me
" I-I'm s-sorry....." I sob out. I hate it when people are mad at me, and thats all the time. "I-I j-just h-h-h-hate b-being trapped d-down here...." I continiue to sob as I treat the small does wounds, "I-I made sure I wasnt seen, I-I cheaked her for t-trackers and bugs, I-I even made s-sure I left no p-prints..!"
"That dosnt matter silverstar-" i flinch when seto says my full name. He only uses it when hes angry or disappointed in me, "you went against direct orders... you know how important you are...." I finish healing the doe and take her up to my room, lock my door and sob/scream into my pillow after teloporting to my tree bed. No matter how hard I try I can't get them to understand how claustrophobic and suffocating this underground base is. I soon feel the comfort of the small doe nuzzling me comfortingly. After a few minutes of screaming and sobbing I fall into a restless sleep....

~Seto's P.O.V~

I sigh as I hear silver sob and scream her heart out in her room. It honestly breaks my heart but we have to protect her. Shes all any of us have left of Adam and we all know it.
"Ty, dont you think you where a little harsh.... she's still so young......" Mitch's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
"I... *sighs* I know... I just...... she's so much like Sky......" Ty responds rubbing his temples.
"But shes not. Silver may be conected to him somehow but she's not Adam!" Jason snap shocking everyone. Jason's never angry. "And shes miserable here! Am I the only one not dense enough to see that?! She's been trying to get you to understand but you've all been so worried about losing the only link to Adam we have you've ignored all the signs that she's depressed!" And with that it finally sinks in... the long sleaves, the bandages, the bags under her eyes, her unintrest in eating anything, how baggy her clothes are on her..... "oh Notch..... what have we done....." and with that statement said I run up to her room and try to open the door, only to find it locked. "Shi-!"

My Notch its been a long time! I hope u guys like the fourth chapter of A New Hero. I know probably no one is reading my book but im just gonna say this. I dont give a ffffffluffy bunnys butt. Im writing this purly because i want to! I dont care that team crafted died years ago! I dont care that most of them probably dont do minecraft or even youtube anymore! I dont even care that probably nobodys reading this! Im doing this because i want to and thats all! I dont even care that i suck at writti-

~~~~Please stand by while we deal with some technical difficultys~~~~•

Anywho sorry about that! Well i hope u all have a magically, sparkly day/night/morning!

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