Chapter 2

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??? Pov

The man had explained to me that the things that were on the other side of the bars where squids and that they were evil beings trying to take over the world. He also told me that his name was John. He also told me some things about the world we live in like how Notch is the creator of our world, Herobrine is basicly the devil and about the first spawn, Steve, who was the creation of both Herobrine and Notch. He also told me about the Sky army and how when their leader died a few months ago everything went to the nether. He talked about how he used to be a recruit and was the one who found Adams body.

After a few hours of him explaining things to me he went silent. "H-hey whats wrong?" I asked worried. "I see the girls finally awake." I heard someone say. I turned to see what looked like a spawn but he had tentacles, blue hair and eyes, blue tinted skin and a crown with blue gems in it. Thats when John spoke. "Squid." He said, his voice laced with venom and hatred. The man who i asumed was Squid just grinned. "Long time no see John. How is everything?"

"They would be better if I was standing over ur dead body." John said angrily. "Aww thats to bad well lets just get the girl and go." Squid said. Thats when John pulled me behind his back. "What do u want with her? Shes of no use to you. Shes just a new spawn." I was so terrified I couldn't say or do anything. Then everything went black...

Johns Pov

I heard a thud and turned to see the girl on the floor unconscious. I didnt know what to do and even if i did the squids grabed me before i could do anything. Then Squid did something i never thought he would. He picked her up delecatly and carried her out of the dungeons. "HEY!!!!" I yelled, "were are you taking her?!?!"

Squid stoped. "To the infirmary. I need her alive." Then he left.

??? Pov

I wake up in what seems to be an empty void. "Where am I?" I ask myself. "We're in the Void. The space between the living and the dead." Said a voice. I spin around to see a man with black jeans, a grey shirt, a dark grey jacket, black fingerless gloves, sunglasses, dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and a gold amulet with a purple gem in the center. "W-who are you?!" I said, fear aparent in my voice.

"Dont be scared, Silverstar. Im a friend. My name is Adam Skylen." Said the man, 'Adam'. "W-why did you call me Silverstar..?" I asked. "Because thats your name." Said Adam calmly. For some reason i felt safe with him around him. Then i relized who he was. "Wait! Your Sky! Camander of the Sky Army!"

"Yes put that dosnt mater anymore. Im no longer the hero in our world." He said a slight hint of sorrow in his voice, "our world needs a new hero, and that hero is you Silverstar."

"W-what?! I-i cant be a hero! I-im a new spawn! Y-you must have me confused with someone else!" I said panic in my eyes. "No. You are the hero this world needs. Your kind, gentle, and u care about every living thing equally." Adam claimed, "you are the hero of this story."

"No... you have the wrong person......" I said. "Why not choose one of your recruits..? John has more experience then i do. He would follow you without a moments hesitation."

"Thats exactly why. He dosnt think before he acts where you on the other hand think before you act. You take the consequenses of ur actions into consideration before you do anything. Thats one of the things that makes you special. Thats one of the reasons ur different then spawns. Thats one of the reasons why Notch, Herobrine and I chose you to be the one to defeat the squids once and for all. Now you have to wake up." Says Adam before he turns to leave. "Just one more thing Adam, sir." I say curiosity taking over. "Yes?" He asks.

I take in a deep breath. "Why Silverstar?" I ask. He just smiles and begins to fade from existence. "Just look in a mirror and you'll understand." And with that he vanishes and i wake up in a white room straped to a cot with Squid sitting next to me.

So my name is Silverstar.......
Hey guys AmberHeart here! I hope u guys enjoyed the 2nd chapter of A New Hero cause i really enjoyed writing it! I also wanted to thank u for taking time out of ur day to read my first book. I know its not any good but i really do enjoy writing it. I mean its 10:47 on a tuesday night and i have to get up early for school. Well anyways thanks and i hope u have a good day/afternoon/evening!

Chapter word count- 776
Total word count- 868

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