Chapter 7

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(A/N- look at these cute beans!)

~Ian's P.O.V.~

Seto and I watched in shock as the wall to the left of Silver opened up to a secret compartment. We ran over and saw three journals and, well to our shock, Skys amulet. I looked over to see Silver reach out, grab the books and amulet and quickly shove them in her bag. She turned to face us, smiled and blacked out, Seto catching her as she fell.

"What in the nether just happened?!" I wisper shouted to Seto.

"I don't know Ian, but I do know that we need to leave now befo-" he never got to finishe his sentence as the magic detectors went off. We looked at each other in panic. How did the detectors get triggered? How were we supposed to get out of here without getting caught? I bit my lip as these thoughts went through my mind. I took Silver from Seto and put her on my back as if giving her a piggyback ride. The moment I knew for sure I wasn't going to drop her I took off running towards where we left the horses, Seto not far behind. I could hear him using spells to fight off attacking squids until their weren't anymore following us.

When we reached the horses I quickly mounted Silver, untied my horse and mounted myself before taking off, making sure we didn't leave any clues onto which way we went.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

~Seto's POV~

I looked down at Silver as we road back to base. She still had yet to wake up and I didn't know why. I was to tired and worried to even try to figure out what was going on with her seeing as I haven't slept in about 3 days. It was close to nightfall when we finally got home. I quickly dismounted and took Silver into base while Ian put the horses in the stables.

The moment i entered my library i was bombarded with questions on what happened, nobody noticing the unconscious Silverstar in my arms. Ignoring everyone, i laid her on the sofa and sat down next to her. It was at that moment Ian came in with three cooked chickens and a bottle of water. He looked at me with a questioning look and i just shook my head. By the look on his face i could tell he was worried for Silver.

He handed me some chicken and the bottle of water. Immediately I set the chicken aside, sat Silver up and made her drink some of the water. Once the bottle was empty I laid her back down and put my head in my hands. It was at that moment John came into the room.

~John's POV~

When I went downstairs to get water for Silver's fawn and I the one thing I didn't think I'd see or want to see was Silverstar herself laid on the sofa unconscious and unmoving. I ran over and knelt infront of her quickly checking for a pulse while grabbing her hand in mine. A sigh of relief escaped me when I found a pulse. I look over at Seto and open my mouth to ask what happened but general Ty beat me to it.

"Seto what happened while you three were at the castle? Why is Silverstar unconscious?" Seto only shook his head in reply.

"We don't know. One minute she was fine and the next she blacks out. She's been like this since she put a few books and Adam's amulet into her bag back at the castle." Ian stated as an answer. I looked down at Silver again in worry bringing her hand up and resting it against my forehead. I closed my eyes, blocking out the conversation around me and focusing on Silver's heartbeat, on her breathing. She was so peaceful as she slept, so innocent.

I stayed like that for what felt like hours before I felt something touch my shoulder. Hesitantly I looked to see what it was only to see General Ian standing beside me with his hand gripping my shoulder. Looking back down at Silver I saw that her face was all scrunched up and I couldn't help but think about how cute she is. I knew she was different, that she was special, but I also knew I felt different about her than anyone else.

I loved her.

~Silverstar's POV (didnt see that coming did ya?)~

The last thing I remember was putting the journals and amulet in my bag before everything went black. When I opened my eyes I was back in the Void, only this time, I was alone. I had no idea what to do, this was the first time I had been trapped here alone. I tried looking around but everything was the same. I was scared. How did I get here? Why was I here? How do I get back? Where were Notch, Herobrine, and Adam? These and a million other questions were swarming my mind as I sat down waiting for something to happen.

As i sat there i didn't notice the figure standing behind me until I felt something slimy wrap around my neck from behind. I instantly went into defense mode, grabbed the thing and burned it. The figure behind me let go and i spun around only to stumble and fall backwards when i saw the Squid King.

"Well well well. So the spell actually worked." He said as he came closer to me, "Now why don't you be a good little pet and tell me where the rebels hidden base is."

"NEVER!" I shouted at him, "I'll never tell you!" And with that I ran, or at least attempted to. Before I could take a single step he had one of his slimy tentacles around my ankle and two wrapped around my middle, pinning my arms to my sides. He dragged me back towards him as I struggled in his grip. The tentacles that held me quickly turned me towards him and gripped me tightly again before i could do a thing. If i hadn't been terrified before i was now because the look in his eyes was murderous.

"Now, where is the rebel base." He growled. I sucked up what little courage I had left and spit in his face.

"Go to the nether squid." The moment the words left my mouth he slapped me, but when he did there was a white light and I was awake.


Hey guys AmberHeart here and i just wanted to say wow. Over 60 veiws?! Oh my gods! Thank you!!!

I know you all probably think im over reacting but this is the first story I've ever put online. Ever.

Thank you guys so much! I also wanted to tell you that the current cover is hopefully temporary. Either i will be drawing a new one or, if you guys want, you guys can design a cover, PM it to me and the one i like the most will will be the cover from now on.

In the meantime i hope you have a great day. Stay magical!


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